Friday, July 01, 2016

Saving 10 Million High School Students at a Time

Yes, Worthless should be in the hands of every high school student.  And this hilarious video is a damn good first step to make that happen:


  1. Nice Job. -Although, I'm not sure what the continuous vomit was supposed to represent.

  2. Good vid.

    But I do have a suggestion. The book ought to be provided when they are freshmen HS. I would also recommend that if these kids are serious they ought to get summer jobs (if they can). If anything doing summer work, I learned what NOT to consider as a long term career.

  3. I like the fact that the voice over was on "by Aaron Clarey" during the zoom in on the puking student.

  4. So, are you going to pay to make that a Youtube ad?

  5. How many copies of that book have you sold?

  6. It might be short enough if he cuts the scenes with explicatives.

  7. Excellent! Every Clarey book needs a video review!
