Monday, September 19, 2016

New York City Deserves Diversity!

Keep voting leftist you cool, hip, New Yorkers.  Because you know so much more than those hicks in fly-over country.


  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Agree and amplify. "Give them diversity good and hard"... Apologies to Mencken.

  2. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Glad to see that I wasn't the only one with ZFG.

  3. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Every time I see a bombing or stabbing on the news like these, I try not to be judgmental and assume it was probably Elija from one of the local Mennonite or Amish communities. Or maybe a Westboro Baptist Church member.

  4. Faithless Cynic4:24 PM

    I have no sympathy for these clueless assholes. They will overwhelmingly vote for The Wicked Witch of Parkinsons. Said Witch will let in more of the Death to America crowd. I propose we come up with a new term when terrorists kill these clueless assholes. NRAK ( No Real Americans Killed ). We can then chuckle wickedly and say ZFG ( Zero Fucks Given ) and grab another Rumplemintz :-)

  5. What gets me is how they keep attacking the cities they live in (shitting where they live).
    Wouldn't they be better off attacking predominantly right wing cities?
    Then again, they're not a group known for having high, or even average, IQ levels...

  6. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I was at a Donald Trump rally at the Colorado Springs airport when he told us about the bomb going off in New York City [I had heard about the one at the Marine 5k run earlier]. My reaction? Anger at being attacked from within by enemies acting with the collusion of the government. But just as I feel about the murder rate in Chicago, there is an element of Darwin involved. If they insist on being victims, I cannot feel sorry for them.

    Subotai Bahadur

  7. Wouldn't they be better off attacking predominantly right wing cities?

    There are no "right wing" cities in America, which is why nearly ALL of the nation's cities are festering drug and crime-infested shit holes with collapsing economies and neighborhoods full of the types of people this bomber is one of.
