Monday, September 12, 2016

The U of Chicago Business School Should Be Ashamed...

that they wrote this drivel and are actually suggesting MORE LOANS to lower the costs of college.  It's like they don't remember the Dotcom Mania, the Housing Bubble, or the current Retirement Bubble.  And then they're actually kicking around a way to make college tuition free, which I'm sure will totally NOT destroy the value of a degree by the law of supply.  AND THIS IS PRESUMABLY THE TOP FREE MARKET BUSINESS SCHOOL IN THE US!!!!


  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Why be surprised? This is the same school that endorses a corrupt central bank as opposed to a free market in money and banking. Amazing the according to them, the market can do all, except provide a means to exchange goods and services beyond barter.

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Colleges and universities are expensive because of government money gushing into them. All of that government money creates a floor that guarantees that prices go up. This is also what happened with Medicare and Medicaid.

    Higher ed inflation has risen even faster since there has been a concerted effort to throw as many people into the system as possible whether they're intellectually prepared for it, or not. This makes it look like the government is "doing something positive for people" and also takes bodies off the unemployment rolls.

    Higher ed tuition costs would drop like a rock, if all government subsidies were eliminated.

  3. As Woodward and Bernstein said, follow the money. "Extremely Expensive ($66,000 per year) Private University Thinks Government Should Make Cheap College Loans" is not a Man-Bites-Dog headline.
