Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Why the Middle Class is Disappearing

AKA "The Labor Productivity Pay Gap:"

This concludes your Cappy Cap economic lesson of the day.


  1. "Modern Americans suck."

    I work with some of those sucky humans. They are either adult-children or barely domesticated thugspawn. If you have a work ethic, then you are either Racist© or a Sell-out Coon©.

  2. The flat hourly wage corresponds to the flood of immigrants from 3rd world countries. That immigration, legal and illegal along with increased taxes on the middle class is also responsible for the increased gap between rich and poor. If the flow of immigrants were cut off tomorrow, the minimum wage would go up with out any help from any laws.

  3. thanks cap. it all sounds like common sense when you lay it out that way but i found the video enlightening all the same!

  4. Webley Silvernail10:34 AM

    Cappy, you missed one other major thing that happened back then, one which I would say was THE MAIN cause of the widening gap between retursn to labor and labor productivity. That even t was the US going entirely off the gold standard. For the first time, the Greenback was no longer backed by anything but a politician's promise, and banksters and politicians were free to "help" consumers by destroying their purchasing power, which they did whole-heartedly and are still doing today.

  5. Webley Silvernail10:36 AM

    Cappy, you missed one other major thing that happened back then, one which I would say was THE MAIN cause of the widening gap between returns to labor and labor productivity. That event was the US going entirely off the gold standard. For the first time, the Greenback was no longer backed by anything but a politician's promise (and you know what that is worth), and banksters and politicians were free to "help" consumers by destroying their purchasing power, which they did whole-heartedly and are still doing today.

  6. I have to second Mr Bee. Not just classic 'supply and demand', turd worlders bring the turd world with them. Look at Somalia, not exactly and economic powerhouse right? Not to mention the fact that the trailer for Black Hawk Down II: Minnedishu just appeared. Go west young man.
