Friday, October 14, 2016

Let Women Have Corporate America

they deserve it.


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

    "They staged the mock takeover in more than 50 countries - including Thailand, Bangladesh and Canada"

    But I thought Canada was already a vagina?

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Give them positions of influence (Sandberg, Emma Watson, Marissa Meyer) and they go straight back to their gender war-cries. They never for a second consider appreciating the fact they were given power and influence which means their cries for a fair shot at power and influence (from a position of power and influence) are so brilliantly cancelled out. It's all so fucking stupid and disappointing.

  3. Anonymous3:29 PM

    That was the day war ended, the economy boomed, crime became nonexistent, and human rights were restored around the world, right? No?! Darn, I thought they were on to something.

  4. "I'll focus my ministry on 'the same Marxist tripe which, in the first place, created the mess I'm demanding men implement my policies in response to!'"
    And they demand we treat them as intellectuals...

  5. I can't remember who it was that observed that once women gain a significant amount amount of power and influence --or even majority power and influence-- within a given institution or organization, it is only at the point at which said institutiln or organization has become irrelevant...

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    The ceiling isn't made of glass - it's made of Ivy!

  7. Over the past 30-40 yrs, women have gradually taken over primary, and then secondary education.

    So - How well has *that* worked out? And now, business and .gov is following suit..

    Enjoy that decline!
