Wednesday, November 09, 2016

A Jew in China

Except this Jew is a savvy finance and economics guy, and took a group of people there to learn how to have products made in China and have them directly sourced/sold on Amazon.

His economic observations about technology, economics, and business are interesting to say the least.


  1. 大胆唐鬼子6:42 AM

    傻的犹太鬼子。 他肯定付了太多的钱。因为他除了“你好”这两字不会讲什么支那话所以

  2. Post Alley Crackpot1:45 PM

    Yeah yeah Tang, but you have to admit there was some wisdom in his plan: on Christmas he'll never have to look far for a Chinese restaurant that's open, even if he is paying too much!

