Sunday, February 26, 2017

Rachel Dolezal, Fake Black Person, On Welfare

If you remember, Rachel Dolezal was the 100% pure as the Swedish scandinavian snow white person, who falsely claimed to be black. 

People can speculate why she did this, but it was obvious - she wanted to get free benefits and preferential hiring treatment for the rest of her life.

She failed.

And not only did she fail, she failed so badly that nobody will hire her now and she's now on welfare.

Ahhhh poetic justice.


  1. Troper A7:43 PM

    Well, you can't blame the woman for wanting to scam a broken system. Hell, if all I had to do to get free college and a free 'n' easy lifetime government job was paint my skin and wear a frizzy wig for the rest of my life, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

    The only downside would be having to put up with my fellow college students and government coworkers, all of whom would be incompetent because they were chosen solely for their skin color and hair texture, and not for their abilities.

  2. Porn and reality television are beneath her, but not welfare.

  3. Well now she really can live like a trashy black woman.

  4. Jim Scrummy9:17 AM


    Funniest damn thing I read the other day! When you lie like she did for so long, karma will bite you in the rear end, extra hard.

  5. Well she does have a book deal for what it is worth....

  6. This is what happens when you can't survive outside of politics and academia. She brought this on herself.

    Next up... Shaun King!

  7. Anonymous4:17 PM

    She's a trans-black, I guess? Now, not even her fellow lefties will touch her.

  8. Anonymous12:00 PM

    If gender is so fluid nowadays, why should not race be so, too. Where are the progressives coming to her aid? Since we no longer have any idea of which bathroom a person should use, why should we have any clarity on the race box to check?
