Sunday, February 19, 2017

What Reitrement Looks like for Strong Independent Women

I predict cats.

Lot's of cats.


  1. Un Americano11:55 AM

    "To read the whole story, subscribe or sign in."

    No, thank you.

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Any excerpt from the article, or alternative source not behind a pay wall?


  3. A Texan2:57 PM

    I would guess many of these people probably worked some modest jobs, so between taxes and inflation there is not much you can do. The Federal Reserve keeps moving forward to destroy the currency so the scumbags on Wall Street can have their millions.

    The average household income is around $50k per year. That's barely enough for a single person to do much of anything in most places much less raise a family.

  4. taminator0132:58 PM

    I read that story a couple days ago. No sympathy here for her. Out of all the money she made, all she did was spend it on luxuries. Never put anything away for retirement. My wife and I put away what we could for a lot of years and are very comfortable after leaving the workforce. Zero dept, nice cars and a nice house in the 'burbs I even went early at 60 years old. Between us we never made close to what she earned and now look at her. She may be strong and independent, but I'd also add shallow, vain and stupid...................

  5. Well she does have a dog....

    Sounds more like a success story to me in a way. Her business went south. Ok, only 1 in 5 business are still operating 5 years later. She lasted longer than most. She moved. That is the way most folks retool, ala 'the Grapes of Wrath'. That she did not provide for herself. Well she thought she had, not realizing its was a house of cards.

    Overall she handled it pretty well and she is paying back her creditors. I can't say that with many.

  6. Anonymous5:19 AM

    in case you cannot read it, you can find the article on MSN:

  7. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Here's a great story to share within the manosphere.

  8. Anonymous11:41 PM

    In the vid "just 1 in 7 of the oldest boomers have full time jobs." As someone born in the 80's I'm tired of hearing about the boomers. Seriously. In fact they spread the 'generational' crap too much. What is it again, something like an 18 year range we call boomers? That would be like an 18 year old today and a 36 year old being in the same group. Do you Think the two I just mentioned have much in common or can relate? Hell no.

    Also, I find it hella ironic that congress thinks they can just keep raising the social security age given that stat I mentioned. I'm sure it'll soon be 70. As if (and we're being honest) a 70 year old can keep up with stuff the same way a 45 year old could. No offense to them. I feel bad and we'll soon be in their position ourselves if we make it that far, but my point is, they can't just keep extending that age and acting like the backend of life you're as capable as the front end. Then again, we are in a society that turned kids into debts instead of assets. Not that you could guarantee their support before, but if ya had a half a dozen kids and got old, probably at least 1 would be looking out for ya or you could live with need be etc. Now dudes don't even want kids because government replaced males & men with Uncle Sam and thought it'd have no social consequences come retirement age. Government has also increasingly turned homes into debts instead of assets too, as you've harped on, and the same with educations. I'm still young enough to see it. I see the consequences of all this (such as productivity being punished and failing at life being rewarded) and that just makes one apathetic. ...alas, I'm ranting. You are at a forefront Cappy, for you too see the strings that pull the puppet that is western society. Yet it is a curse, like your book says.
