Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Happy 4th to All You Magnificient Bastards

Coincidentally today I'm mortgage free.  Can't imagine a better way to celebrate the 4th:


  1. Hey El Capitan, now that you're paid off, what are your yearly costs for owning your home? Under $5k?

  2. Congrats on being mortgage free!

  3. Congrats on being mortgage free.

  4. My sides are splitting. XFD

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Congrats Cap. Enjoy the ridiculously high cash flow that will result in (or even the opportunity to have an even better fun:work ratio)

  6. Marshallaw12:55 PM

    Congratulations Capo! To infinity and beyond!

  7. Way to go!

    Burn that mortgage for us! Light a stogie, light a m-320 and "celebrate the independence of your nation by blowing up a small part of it."

  8. Congratulations Captain! Happy Independence Day!

    Warm regards,


  9. Congrats cap!! Happy 4th everyone!!

  10. Sell it, and get out of commiesota.

  11. Congrats on joining the club, Cappy! Too bad we still must pay property taxes but que sera.

  12. Faithless Cynic2:44 AM

    Congrats on being mortgage free Cappy! Your cost of living just dropped a lot. Having a paid for home means you can survive economic downturns with minimal problems. I was laid off from banking in 2009 and worked temp jobs till 2013. Life pretty much stayed the same for me.

    Peasants and preppers know to secure shelter, food and water first, instead of pissing away money on toys.

  13. leeholsen9:09 PM

    Belated congrats on being mortgage free !

    Trying to do that next year myself.

    you might read early retirement extreme if you haven't. this guy cut his expenses to 7k per year and retired on about 200k before 40. I don't advocate that(he gave up owning a car and is basically a homebody for being so extreme), but you can live below the poverty level retired pretty cheap with no mortgage and any other debts.

  14. Grats on paying off that mortgage. As someone who paid off his $35,000 debt not too long ago, I think I understand the feeling. Enjoy that lower cost of living!
