Friday, July 14, 2017

The Evil "White Plurality" Cometh

Understand that nearly all of the left's reasoning and rationality for the theft of other people's money is based on victimhood.  And this victimhood is defined by a trait or characteristic you were born with or have that is outside of your control.

Your race.
Your sex.
Your gender.
And the newest and fastest-growing trait, your made up mental illness.

This allows a leftist (regardless of stripe) to intellectually-dishonestly claim they are oppressed by the "majority" and are not only disadvantaged, but are also entitled to special privileges in society AND some of the majority's money.  Furthermore, any criticism or mere pointing out of this victim-whoring, is immediately met with accusations of racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, etc., as they cowardly hide behind their traits (and never own up to their personal actions that led to their lot in life).  The only thing more shocking or disgusting than this rank and cowardly parasitism is the right's failure to call them out on this as they are too afraid of being called  an "ist" or an "ism," and thus this pathetic strategy actually works..

But the left faces a long term problem with their victimhood strategy, particularly in its chief application - racism.  By about 2045 whites won't be the majority in the US anymore and victims who play the race card won't be able do so (at least honestly).

So how will the left go about perpetrating the race-victimhood racket?  Simple.

They will quickly discover and use the word "plurality."

Plurality, among many other definitions, means the largest segment or percentage of.  It doesn't mean an outright majority, including 50%+, but just the largest single group among many groups.  And while leftists may be too lazy to increase their vocabulary on any given day, I can guarantee you when the 2040's come, nearly every leftist is going to make this part of their daily language.

"The white plurality."
"You benefit from pluralism."
"The oppressive and privileged white plurality in this country..."

You get the idea.

What this belies is a larger trend, even genetic fact about leftists' DNA that every hard-working person in the world, regardless of country, regardless of race, and regardless of gender, better learn about leftists.  They will stop at nothing to get your money.  They will stop at nothing to get your wealth.  They will stop at nothing to live off of you.  Be it a mentally ill millennial college student majoring in "Gender Studies" claiming you're oppressing it because of a new gender that was created 30 minutes ago or Karl Marx's illogical and incoherent ramblings from 150 years ago, the left will come up with any excuse - nuanced, complex, completely fabricated, or otherwise - to excuse their living off of you.  Matter of fact, when you look at the amount of effort Marx put into his ramblings or modern day academic leftists put into entirely fabricated faux-studies, their commitment to parasitism becomes very clear.  They'd very likely make infinitely more had they just worked real jobs instead of becoming professional whiners, but their commitment to professional victimhood and living off of others is so fervent, so fanatical it becomes their religion, which guarantees they waste their one precious and finite life on this planet.

With this level of dedication - to come up with any lie, to create entirely fabricated academic studies out of whole cloth, to even waste their entire lives in the pursuit of other people's money - the productive people of the world better accurately comprehend and appreciate just what a threat to their freedoms and personal finances the left in the world present.  And "The Evil White Plurality" which is coming to a theater near you in the Summer of 2045 is just a mere insight into their total and fanatical commitment to continue living off of you.
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  1. Harrison Bergeron.

    Used to be required reading in schools.
    I imagine if you brought it up in class nowadays, you'd probly get the chair...

  2. TroperA2:23 AM

    Holy crap! You should've warned us before we clicked on the link to the picture of that "trans activist". I've never seen a more terrifying looking human being! I know the tick-borne illnesses might have had their way with xim...xer...whatever, but I didn't know ticks could transform people into hollow-eyed zombies. I also didn't know that said zombies would blame everyone around them except themselves for their exposure to ticks (forests can be avoided by living in these things called "houses" or "apartment buildings" and by using this thing called "bug spray") and for science's lack of hustle in finding breakthroughs to rare, easily avoidable diseases. How wonderful it must be to live in a world where nothing is ever your fault! Where you can piss all over the medical establishment that's desperately trying to save your life, because they didn't know what to make of your erratic and self-righteous behavior and didn't treat you as the Swarovski Crystal Snowflake that you thought you should have been treated as!

