Thursday, August 03, 2017

Google's "Limited State"

1 comment:

  1. It's pronounced ''in-terr-stee-shall''. Blogger has long used them too. Say, for example, you posted a bunch of pr0n pics. Nothing illegal (including copyright violations), but definitely over-18 stuff. Blogger will do this: a content warning message where you click on ''I understand...'' to go to the blog itself.
    That's an interstitial.
    Of course the key question is WHO is defining ''hate speech''? Call him Bruce Jenner, or even 'him'? Hate speech. 90% of RoK? Hate speech. They've also had their IRL meetups protested and even attacked for ''violence against women''. The ADL like it's close cousin the SPLC, is also hard left, if you think Somalians in Minnesota is not a great idea, that's ''hate'' to both groups.
