Thursday, August 31, 2017

If Women Are Equal...

then why do you have to keep plagiarizing men?

Seriously Hollywood, just FOAD.


  1. Take The Red Pill9:36 PM

    There is already a female version of "The Lord Of The Flies" -- it's life in modern Western feminism-influenced society.
    Those of us who have the courage to point it out are 'murdered' (as in the story) socially, economically, and legally by feminists, their toadies, and society when we do. It's likely that it's only a matter of time until real killing will be started.

  2. I love that story idea, "Lord of the Flies" populated by girls. I hope it is only the first in a succession of movies that shows women, freed of common constraints, descend into brutal, mob, tribalism. We should see that they are just as bad as men, uh I mean equal to men.

    Next idea: Show a woman candidate for President and her female cabal attempt to gain control of the US through lies and violence, failing only because of an ironic twist. It would be gripping. The female version of "Seven Days in May".

  3. Red Pill and Andrew are so right. In the human species the female is the more vicious of the two. Also the more vengeful. Nor have I ever met a woman who can forgive and forget.

    A remake would be a natural. I could envision the backdrop of "Housewives of...." run amok as a wrapper to: Mother daughter conflict and murder, a touch of cross neighbor assaults, forced drug abuse, etc. The sad thing is it will probably end up in rewrite as a feminist manifesto. Sigh.

  4. I look forward to the all male version of The Sisterhood Of TheTraveling Pants.

  5. Anonymous12:56 AM

    They´ll need to put them on a very well supplied island. Else the girls would all be dead within a fortnight.

  6. Hey, if they want to look like a bunch of savages, go right ahead. It's not far from the truth nowadays, anyway. Just look at them; the tattoos, the facial piercings, the wild, colored hair, the attitudes from hell...
