Monday, January 15, 2018

Canadian Bloggers: 25% Off!

Just a friendly reminder.  While the US economy grows (somewhat) under Trump and his policies seem to have somewhat of a positive effect on the economy (though still yet TBD), Canada is stuck with the world's biggest and softest trust fund baby who's never worked a day in his life and wants to use Canadian's money to make foreigners and parasites love him in a popularity contest!  This (along with a drop in oil prices) has made the Canadian dollar drop about a quarter from the US dollar.

Which means it's never been cheaper to donate to Canadian bloggers you love and adore.

May I recommend two of them?

Kate at Small Dead Animals.
Stefan Molyneux at Freedomain Radio.

I know you beta boyos are too busy donating your money to cute conservathots that say obvious shit, but if you could perhaps donate money, AND AT CHEAP RATES, to our real Canadian friends to help advance freedom and philosophy?

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