Wednesday, January 24, 2018

What's Worse Than HR????

HR in the public sector.

What's worse than that?

When the public sector is a leftist shithole like Seattle.

I can only imagine the insanity that occurs when you throw meritocracy out the door, hire based on plumbing and pigmentation, in a field already dominated by math-impaired ditzes, who on top of all that, are power-tripping tyrants.

Enjoy the decline boys!  Enjoy that freaking decline!


  1. Anonymous11:58 AM

    You suspected it. Admit it.

  2. beatings will continue till morale improves.....

  3. SM7772:31 PM

    Hmmmm. Considering that she appeared to be hard working, devoted to helping others and with what appears to be above average intelligence by the SJW's and other "minorities" (in other words, she appears to be Asian), I would not be surprised if her higher-ups poisoned Linda Leong in some way.

    On another point, other Seattle HR employees are declaring that their dept. is a "toxic work enviroment". Way Cool!!!!

  4. Jack Amok6:48 PM

    "I can only imagine the insanity that occurs when you throw meritocracy out the door, hire based on plumbing and pigmentation, in a field already dominated by math-impaired ditzes, who on top of all that, are power-tripping tyrants."

    And the Gayor, er, Mayor, decided to resign after the fifth pedo charge was levied against him, four apparently being the number than can be brazened out. What could possibly be wrong with that environment?

  5. From the linked article:

    “In nine months, I probably did four hours of work” that resulted in anything, said one employee...
