Monday, March 26, 2018

White People Look Out

Yes, there is a target painted on your back. Enjoy the Decline!


  1. Have a second (or more) passports, and money in a offshore bank (preferably one that is solvent and not heavily leveraged).
    Cheers! 🍻

  2. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I just spoke with a Boer friend of mine in Capetown and he told me they are preparing legislation that he will be legally required to hand over 51% of his business to a black (designated mostly likely to an ANC flunky) or face fines and imprisonment. The ANC is also currently bringing the EFF, a spin off political party of the ANC who openly states they went to murder all whites as a part of their political platform, back into the mainstream ANC.

    The minority whites are either preparing to leave the country or buying all the weapons they can (as he mentioned, "it's the 1930s all over again and were the Jews"), but of course outside of international sanctions or straight out invasion they are f*cked.

  3. Not allowed to put this one up on youtube, eh? Shame but not a surprise.

  4. Christopher Ivey10:22 AM

    You need to find another video host. Daily Motion spams so many ads along your video timeline it becomes unwatchable. If you can get support from your viewers it may be worthwhile purchasing a paid account at Vimeo or a similar host.

  5. Bitchute is a good host for videos.

  6. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Until recently, I have never seen so many coffee coloured people in my life. Where have all the whites in my town fled to? And there is real hatred from these coffee coloured people. They stare with such hatred at the few whites left.
    I do not feel safe, and worry for my parents.
