Thursday, May 24, 2018

Chipotle's Biggest Corporate Boneheaded Move Ever

I've already insisted on eating at Qdoba over Chipotle because I don't like getting a lecture or a sermon when I just want a freaking burrito.  But if you want even more reason to just shake your head at one of America's dumbest corporations, look no further.

Not only is Chipolte moving it's headquarters from relatively low-taxed Denver Colorado to the worst state to do business in (that would be California for people in Rio Lindo).  They're also shipping some of those lucky employees from Denver to.....Ohio.

Because that's exactly what I'd want if I were a Chipolte employee.  "What?  We're moving from Denver with all the sun and winter sports and kayaking and no state income taxes to that sad crappy, no-mountain state of Ohio!?  Great!  Can't wait to live in Toledo!"


  1. hey , Toledo isn't so bad, those of us who live in Detroit vacation there.

  2. I worked for a company that just moved a department 50 miles. People could still keep their homes and hop on a train and get to work in an hour or so.

    The result was that within a year they had lost everyone of value and were left with the dregs. The good ones all got jobs in their home town.

  3. Mark Matis10:03 AM


    But then if Chipotle has too many employees, that second part would be a smart move. Don't have to give layoff warnings nor severance pay if the employee quits, do you?

  4. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Is there a corporate equivalent of the Darwin Award?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Colorado does, in fact, have a state income tax. This is in addition to sales tax and property tax. It's not as bad as California, but not exactly a libertarian paradise either. I can't vouch for Ohio, as I'm not familiar with the tax situation there.

  7. I wouldn't want to live in Toledo, but I live in small town Ohio and it's great as far as I'm concerned. Cheap housing and a ten minute commute!

  8. Chipotle has other boneheaded issues - mainly food safety. Don't eat there because the use new agey, local BS instead of proper food safety. How many people need to get salmonella or e.coli for them to be shut down....

    PS - I am work in the food industry/testing, I did major in proper science (Chemistry) and have an engineering degree too - plus I am a female. All those Bio majors are the admins at my company. NEVER major where all the other girls are.

  9. Mark Matis4:21 AM

    Kasich is their governor, hgfhf hgfh. That should tell you all you need to know about Ohio. Moonbeam Junior.

  10. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Toledo is so bad that I moved to Minneapolis.
