Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Lack of Fathers, Not the Surplus of Porn, Leads to School Shootings

And when you women are done voting to replace fathers with government checks, the shootings will stop.  In the meantime, you are merely guessing.


  1. And when you women are done voting to replace fathers with government checks, the shootings will stop

    I'll assume that this is just a rhetorical statement. Otherwise, you're expecting women to be able to connect cause and effect, and I KNOW that you know better than to expect that.

  2. In the short-term, bullying and ostracism have much more to do with it. In the long-term, what kind of home life the kid had and a family history of mental disease play a major part as well.

  3. Red Pill Wisdom7:58 AM

    Don't forget how the forced mass consumption of Ritalin and other psychotropic medications (which have few, if any studies done on them for their long-term effects on children's developing brains) have their own part to play in damaging children's physical, mental, and psychological health.
    More than fifty years ago, boys and young men had incredibly easy (by modern standards) access to firearms and ammunition (remember the trite joke of how 'every rural pickup truck in the country has its own rifle rack'?), yet they weren't shooting up schools and killing their teachers and fellow students because "they had their feelings hurt".

    1. "Hmm, really makes you think".

  4. Thomas8:49 PM

    Just had an inspiration for an idea that might help here: Adults for Hire. Now you, too, Mr./Miss Millenial, can learn how to be a functional member of society.

    Don't know what kind of market there'd be for it though. In order to become an adult, you have to want to, and Millenials seem hell-bent on doing anything but that.

  5. Joe Bar6:31 PM

    If anything, the availability of porn has made the incidence of rape and sexual assault go down. Don't believe what the university Title IX people tell you, there is no "rape culture." Rates of violent sexual assault have been declining for 20 years. Right around the time that widely available internet porn has been around. Ask Glenn Reynolds.
