Monday, June 25, 2018

Good Night Ole Man

This guy, if you ever watched the show, was an economic genius.


  1. Prager University Video - American Media, Soviet Tactics

  2. Shannon_Entropy6:36 AM

    Agreed that the Old Man made $$millions$$ running a pawn shop... but any pawn shop near a casino does well, let alone one in downtown LV

    So other than that, why exactly do you rate this guy an "economic genius" ??

    p.s. The Mrs & me love that show and watch it all the time... but it seems to me that all of the vaunted "comic relief" The Old Man brought to the show was mostly by virtue of him being a big dick with everyone

  3. Shannon_Entropy said...
    Agreed that the Old Man made $$millions$$ running a pawn shop... but any pawn shop near a casino does well, let alone one in downtown LV

    Driving through Las Vegas some years back with the CB radio on, there were offers to sell all sorts of things from the truckers who had just blown their operating funds at the casinos. Your comment brought that to mind. How true.
