Friday, August 24, 2018

The Clarey Podcast Episode #266 - Black Dynamite Episode

Solo was a damn fine movie.
Black Dynamite is a GREAT Cartoon.
Chad Elkins' Film Noir Accountant Office.
And more rambling.

in THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!

Direct MP3 here.
RSS feed here.
YouTube here.


  1. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Solo upon a second viewing only got better. Its a movie like The Thing. It only gets better with age. All the low numbers are bullshit.

    There were some hints of the epic lines from the original trilogy. One in particular that stuck out was when he calls Luke out on the falcon about hokey religions and ancient weapons. Dryden Vos has a weapon that looks like its controlled by a kyber crystal. Itll be cool to see this played out in one of the sequels to Solo.

    The whole Star Wars convergence pains me to my soul though. We will never get to see Mara Jade dueling Luke now.

  2. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Coach Red Pill just has different verbal ticks. "See..." "Now..." "Well..."

  3. Anonymous1:48 PM

    The movies with Rey were just... so SHITTY... I can't see myself seeing any more of them. I feel like I self-trolled by spending my money on those.

  4. Just because "Solo" wasn't as bad as "Last Jedi" doesn't mean that it isn't a cinematic abortion.

    Go watch "Solo: A Star Wars Story: An Unbridled Rage" right now on YouTube.

  5. Just because "Solo" wasn't as wretchedly awful as "The Last Jedi" doesn't mean that it isn't a cinematic abortion.

    Go watch "Solo: A Star Wars Story: An Unbridled Rage" right now on YouTube.

  6. Just because "Solo" wasn't as bad as "Last Jedi" doesn't mean that it isn't a cinematic abortion.

    Go watch "Solo: A Star Wars Story: An Unbridled Rage" right now on YouTube.
