Friday, November 30, 2018

The Perfect Gift for the Gaming Bachelor

New sponsor and it's actually funny and clever.  It's not a "real book" but a prop that you can put on your coffee table or your bachelor pad bar titled "The Complications of a Large Penis."

Not that your date will think you have a large penis, but it is a joke and a conversation starter.  I also think it would be perfect for cocktail parties.  Consider buying it as a gag gift for Secret Santa THIS YEAR!

The Clarey Podcast #275 - The "CPA on the Thot Audit" Episode Starring Chad Elkins
Chad Elkins joins cappy for "The Elkins Hour" which turns into The Clarey Podcast because it was that good.  Cappy and Chad talk about:

The thot audit.
Atham drank all the scotch.
Where is the Elmer Glue Factory?
Avoid women with horses.
The smoke alarm is annoying.
The MGTOW Demonetization.
Is the social media industry stagnating?
Is Silver an investment? (No it isn't)
Women's bodies...are different!
Sexworkers and their taxes.



Direct MP3 here.
RSS feed here.
YouTube here.

Sponsored by Arrowhead Watch Boxes and "The Complications of a Large Penis."


Thursday, November 29, 2018

My New Book is Available! "Love Letters to the Left"

Good news everyone!  My new book "Love Letters to the Left" is published and available for sale on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback.  It is not a new work, but just a backing up of my best blog posts from 2016 to 2018 in case the Amazons or The Googles decides that my posts were not appropriate and wrong think.  This time I hired a pinup artist to draw the cover and will be redoing the other "best of" books ("Reserved and Top Shelf") in a similar manner.

If you're wondering if it's worth your while to buy it I put together a video, but here's the description if case you didn't want to sit through it:

Pour yourself a drink, light up a cigar, and get comfy in your couch as you read "Love Letters to the Left"- a "best of" compilation of Aaron Clarey's blog, Captain Capitalism. "Love Letters to the Left" diverges from previous political and economic thought in that it focuses on the underlying psychology - and psychopathy - of the left. Moving the philosophical ball forward, Clarey attempts to get the reader to stop complaining about how things should be, accept them for what they are, and realize the mental hell it must be to be a leftist. From leftists loving the government over the individual, feminists loving their careers over family, college students loving their worthless degrees over their financial futures, and worthless people substituting the cultish religion of socialism in for their soul, Clarey extracts a toll of revenge for the reader by showing what a tortured, destroyed, worthless, and mentally ill life most leftists lead. Take JOY in the fact you have love, financial success, and simple sanity while the left has none. Read "Love Letters to the Left."

Why Women Mutilate Their Bodies with Tattoos, Piercings, Ear Gauges, and Fat

You may purchase the book here which would make a great gift for any young man with a future that you don't want destroyed with a false accusation.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Older Brother Podcast #28 - The "Spirit Airlines Rules" Episode

 Pin Up girls of Cappy's "best of" books.
Move the ball past Rush Limbaugh.
Thot Audit.
Activist at tent city busted for heroin dealing.
Spirit Airlines is AWESOME.
"Women Entrepreneurs."

Podcast here.
MP3 here.
RSS Feed here
Youtube here.

Sponsored by The Quintessentialist and Ridge Wallet!


Monday, November 26, 2018

Thank You Terry for the Kind Review of Black Man's Guide Out of Poverty

I received a kind review of "Black Man's Guide Out of Poverty" by a nice Christian woman who took the time to read it and give her honest opinion.  Always appreciate people providing reviews and always like sending traffic back.  Check out her other reviews of books at her site, Terry's Book Obsession.

How Vagina Guarantees Communism

I am occasionally asked where the US will end up in the future and the correct answer is - Brazil.

It will be a multi-ethnic state, with a large biological mixed race class (i.e. - not Italian-Irish-German Americans, but Asian-Caucasian Americans, and Black-Latino-White Americans, etc.), and it will also represent Brazil in terms of its culture - poor, solidly second world, corrupt, endebted, and going nowhere in particular.  There will be nothing unique about the United States except its history and its form of government, and even then, the people over the generations will vote to whittle their own freedoms away, exchanging freedoms for the promise of financial security, ending with neither.  About the only thing unique about the future US is that we will have nuclear weapons (though it is debatable if we'll have the engineers to maintain them).

The question then is where will Brazil go.  Since the US is on the same path as Brazil, where will Brazil end up in 50, 100, or 200 years, as "we" are inevitably going to end up there anyway.  And I'm pretty sure the correct answer is "communism."  Not that Brazil didn't flirt with communism before.  Their last two presidents before Michel Termer were socialists, Dilma Rousseff a perfectly spoiled brat from the upper classes who turned into a marxist terrorist in her youth.  But do not be fooled, Brazil, and nearly every latin American country is slouching towards socialism, with a terminal end at communism.

The question is why.

I only say the US will be most like Brazil because of their inevitable ethnic composition.  But the general trend of countries' econonmies to move towards socialism is almost universal.  The only countries NOT moving towards communism are the Asian ones who are post-communist and are now only communism in name, but very capitalist by every other function.  So why is all of the West, all of Latin America, and I would also predict India and the Middle East moving towards communism?


This is not to be shocking or crass, but to be direct and as accurate as possible.  The world's democracies are moving towards communism because of vagina.  Because if you think about it vagina has always determined where the world went and how it worked.  And it isn't any different this time as vagina definitely wants to live in a communist economy.  And the reason I don't say "women" is because it is NOT solely women who are determining this.  But both women (who own the world's supply of vaginas) and men who (for the most part) will do whatever the vagina tells them, are responsible for our doomed path towards communism and the inevitable demise that awaits us all.

First, look at a quick and simple boiling down of history.

Nearly every war, battle, fight, or raid conducted in ancient times was for one thing and one thing only.  Vagina.  Yes, men fought each other because maybe we didn't like each other.  Yes, vikings would raid villages here and there to get loot, livestock, and goods.  And yes, all of European history is men (and some women) killing each other all so they could be "king/queen" which translates into "I don't have to work for a living anymore."  But don't think for a second it wasn't because vagina was at the end of it.  European men put their lives at risk to achieve such positions of power and wealth so they could fuck.  Genghis Khan wasn't going for a long western stroll for shits and giggles.  And vikings didn't sail their rickety ships across the North Sea to the UK just to steal some sheep.  They were there to pillage AND rape (your lovable Captain being a by-product of viking's pursuing vagina some 1300 years earlier).  In short, history is nothing more than the various machinations and permutated strategies of men pursuing vagina.  Yes, there are some interesting stories that occur along the way, but if you calculated the percent of calories expended by ALL men over ALL of history it would look like this:

Second, do not mock or ridicule your forefathers.  Because today you dopey guys do the exact same thing.  Oh sure, we go to college or try to establish six-figure salaried careers.  We buy sports cars and fancy houses.  And maybe we play some video games and go drinking with the guys.  But just because we're not killing each other or getting into rickety boats to go rape and pillage some town across the sea doesn't mean the chart is any different.  Nearly every single calorie of energy men spend today is on the exact same thing men of yesteryear spent all their calories of energy one - vagina.  And if we were to update the chart to modern standards it would look like this, the only noticeable difference is the introduction of "porn" where you're imagining you're pursuing vagina:

Third, do not think all this time was wasted.  The billions of men, over the millions of years, who've invested trillions of years in lives pursuing vagina did not do so in vain.  For in order to get vagina we had to compete.  And in order to compete we had to pursue excellence.  And in the pursuit of excellence, we not only worked hard, but smarter.  The ultimate consequence of which is civilization.

The reason you're reading this article right now on an electrical device, powered by electricity, over 7,000 miles away from the author is because MEN discovered and invented the technologies to make it possible.  And the only reason men did these things was because they wanted vagina.

Developing iron into bronze resulted in stronger swords and armor that would lead to vagina.
Guns were developed so we might shoot men from far, far away at a safe distance so we could steal their vagina.
Mastering electricity, taming it to our will to creating light out of the darkness would enrich us to attract vagina.
And building skyscrapers, sports cars, fancy clothes, McMansions and the world's entire infrastructure to build the upon was merely adornment to make the world look pretty, so girls might give us their vagina.

Yes, even those nerds in Silicon Valley who never hit the gym, believed (foolishly) that working hard in software engineering so you can have a new app on your new phone (cough cough - invented by men), making their magical "six figs" a year ONLY DO SO because....


Without women and without vagina men would still be in caves, eating saber tooth tiger meat, running around in loin clothes, maybe getting the muster to beat one another with clubs.  But, "meh" why bother?  There's no vagina.

The larger point is that men and their unrivaled physical and intellectual resources are predominantly only mobilized by vagina.  They will kill other men.  They will enslave themselves to costly college degrees.  They will waste their lives on pointless careers.  All for the PROMISE (not guarantee) of vagina.  Thus, the world's most powerful resource is at the command and control of vagina.

Enter in two more variables - women's suffrage and women's psychology.

Until very recently in the grand scheme of human history, women did not have a say in how society was governed.  It was largely a world of "might and technological advancement makes right," and whoever was the best got the vagina.  Of course, it wasn't as crude as that.  Society did come up with some laws and rules that protected their women.  Rape was outlawed.  You couldn't steal another man's wife.  And though these cultures were truly patriarchal, there were provisions for the protection and interest of women.  But inevitably western civilization evolved to the point where the people governed themselves.  And inevitably the voting franchise was passed onto women as well.  And when that happened, what was once a balanced "ying yang," "supply demand," societal equilibrium, turned into a skewed, unbalanced one, where vagina (not "women" again mind you) was solely in command of nearly all the power.

Women control vaginas.  Vaginas control men.  And thus, for the most part, women for the first time in human history, control society.

When you combine this power with women's psychology, you can start to see why the US is heading towards Brazil, and the world towards communism.  It is women's inherent psychological nature to prefer security over all else.  They want a secure source of food.  They want a secure source of housing.  They want a secure environment to protect themselves and their children.  And if that costs them a little bit more in taxes or we take away people's guns, so be it.  The country would be safer AND more secure.  And whereas in the past this security was largely provided by their husbands and local community, with right to vote, women quickly realized they can merely vote this in at the federal and state levels of government.  That, yes, "Bob the Husband" was a good mechanic who made a decent $55,000 a year, but Barack Obama commanded TRILLIONS of dollars in government money.  Yes, "Phil the programmer" did make a handsome $75,000 a year, but he couldn't offer free housing, education, and health care like Governor Dayton did.  Matter of fact, why compromise yourself with a husband at all?  With the power to vote and the power of vagina, you could have the government implement a Julia like "cradle to grave" program that would guarantee every economic need and wish, at no cost to you.  And then there's the fringe benefit that you could have as many sexual suitors as you pleased, as many children as you pleased, without the albatross of a husband or the labor necessary to support such a family.

Sorry, the government just offers a WAY better economic deal than individual men.

Unfortunately, that economic deal is what's called "communism" where everything is free.  And if you have the logic and common sense of a 5th grader, you can figure out why communism ultimately results in an abject failure of an economy, with a couple hundred million starved corpses to boot.  You would like to think men are smart enough to realize communism is a bad thing, but here is where the power of vagina is truly displayed.

Men don't care if they live in a communist country or not.
Men don't care if the grocery shelves are empty or not.
Men don't care if their tax rate is 100% or not.

Vagina is so powerful it forces men's little heads to override the big ones, and so you have men voting for socialism because they think it will get them "vagina."

Of course, this is not all men.  Some men are in the red pill community, gone ghost, or did their time ne'er to return again.  But this group of men are squarely in the minority.  Because for every "red pilled man" there is a score, if not, hundreds of men voting for the democrat party because they think it will lead to vagina.  And the younger men are, the more powerful their hormones are, which means future generations of "men" will increasingly vote for their own slavery via communism.  It's so bad, I've peered behind the curtains of some of the presumedly most ardent, conservative, libertarian, masculine, traditionalist men, only to see wifey-poo COMPLETELY in command of the family, its budget, and its politics, with the man's balls thoroughly ensconced in her purse.  It's why the republican party is largely inept and is why the word "cuck" exists.

But whereas you think this phenomenon is going to be strictly relegated to the west, where women have the power of the vote and the vagina, think again.  Because feminism+vagina+suffrage is a franchise that's being exported all over the world.  In latin America women have already voted for socialism, preferring a relationship with the state over an individual man.  You can take a look at any one of the number of pictures of the "caravan" making their way to the US and you will only see ringless single mothers with their children, never a father to be seen.  And don't think it's just naive, low IQ trailer trash who forgot to use a condom.  There is also a very conscious, intellectual feminist movement that hates men, traditionalism, and would love nothing more than to replace men with the state in latin America.  Sadly, like most men, the Latinos just grin and bear it.

And before you mock Latinos, may I point out the second largest population in the world - India - where feminism is making great strides.  I've never seen such a rapid transition of a culture from traditionalism to a new culture - economic, political, sexual, or not.  Western men may be "cucked," but east Indian men seem to be taking the gold in this olympic event. 

Even countries that were once traditionally considered "traditional" are rapidly being converted to feminist-democracies where it's only a matter of time before vagina turns them into communist states.  Roosh V has noticed this trend where the introduction of smart phones and social media has taken entire cultures of women who were once looking to have a traditional, stable, nuclear family, and westernized them into "empowered feminist women" who jack up the price of their vagina to a "vote for women," which again is just a vote for communism.

Many of you would then look to the Middle East thinking a religion like Islam would inoculate and vaccinate a country against feminist-led communism.  And even here, I am sad to inform you, that vagina is a MUCH MORE powerful force than religion.  This is in part where I've have some personal dealings with some Muslim communities (shock- they drink booze and like vagina!).  But it is more so due to American media, Hollywood, and the internet.  Because while Mohammed may have made some compelling cases in the Koran to follow the life of a good Muslim, Hollywood has done a much better job of marketing the big-boobed, American blond, who craves sex and is bubbly and happy.  And if given the choice, the majority of Muslim men will abandon Mohammed for this propagandized pussy. 

Finally, if you have concerns that all these non-western cultures invading the west is going to be a free-for-all where they come here to "steal and rape our weeeemin," think again.  Because this isn't a western movie where the lone settlers have to man up and protect their women folk from the on-coming banditos.  Remember, the women-folk have voted in a VERY large state with a VERY large police and military force.  Worse, the have got the entire country walking on pins and needles where a mere false accusation can land men in jail.  A socially awkward approach can cost a man his job.  And like the sheep they are, women have managed to corral men into "diversity and sensitivity training" programs at work, school, and college.  It's so bad men need to learn how to protect themselves against the false accusations of women more than getting a date and starting a family.  And if Pablo tries to grope a girl on the dance floor, Ali tries to ban his wife from driving, or Punjab asks Suzie out at work, the entire police/military/judicial force will come crashing down on them and punish them.  And these men will accept it.

You want to know why?

Because Muslims will give up their religion,
Latinos will give up their machismo,
Whites will give up their wealth,
and Asians will give up their traditions,

because they value vagina over all those things.

In the end, what has traditionally made all cultures great, productive, and advancing will be redirected towards being supplicant, obedient, and merely "voting the right way."  Men, with their unlimited energies, strengths, intelligence, and innovation will no longer use those things to create greatness, excellence, and accomplishment in society in an attempt to woo and impress women.  They will instead, as they are trained to do in school, college, and the media, parrot talking points and merely "vote for women."  It will not be their deeds that are rewarded, but their beliefs.  And because they will be told having the politically correct opinions, thoughts, and beliefs will get them vagina, they will cease being real men and instead become...well...the limp-wristed, pansified, hipster, leftist millennial "men"they've become today.  The fact they're going to vote for, and usher in, communism is almost an inconsequential after-thought when you consider just what a loss it will be to society when men cease being men.
Check out Aaron's other cool sites.
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron 
Older Brother!!!!
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Sunday, November 25, 2018

An Argument on Why You Can Bang Married Liberal Women

This is easily one of the best podcast episodes I have listened to.  Not because of it's salacious nature.  Nor because of the drama and colorful characters involved.  But because The Great One makes the argument that if leftists are going to insist on destroying the nuclear family then what does it matter if you bang a liberal person's wife?

The complete abdication of morals, virtue, morality and certainly family kind of calls into question the validity of any leftist people getting married.  You're OK with stealing people's money.  You mock and ridicule religions (where marriage hails from).  You're against nuclear families.  And you love the state over individuals.  What moral obligation do people have to honor the marriages of liberal people?

I know there's a whole emotional and polite argument, but The Great One does pose an interesting philosophical, moral, and logical counterargument.  Certainly one that makes taking leftists marriages seriously.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Christians are Pussies

I hate "Christians" like this.  Their virtue signalling is more important than their child.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Older Brother Podcast #27 - The "Lord Spoke to Me" Episode

Stinky bums and TEEEAAACHERSSSSS ruin Cappy's morning coffee.
The "Lord told Cappy to hike the Calico Basin and eat ice cream."
Cappy gets a fitbit solely for bragging rights.
Cappy must defeat "Space Marcus."
Old men know what the meaning of life is - to bust the balls of other men.

Podcast located here.
Direct MP3 here.
RSS feed here.
Youtube here.

Sponsored by ArrowheadWatchBoxes and Ridge Wallet.



Where is the Football on this Feminist Field?

This was a request for Asshole Consulting, but I found it very useful in that it clarifies precisely where we are when it comes to feminism, how far it's come, and what ramifications it has for both men and women.  Men's understanding of feminism is both about 5 years behind where it is AND, consequently, underestimate the ramifications that position has today.  Women are completely clueless about where feminism is, but that has always been the case. Hope you enjoy.

There are No Posts Because I'm Having Fun

Cappy escaped the cold, snowy, 8 degree doldrums of Minnesota to escape and Enjoy the Decline.  Upon arriving in Vegas, he proceeded to immediately have fun and shirked all of his duties, bar Asshole Consulting.  He had some friends visit him, including that no good dirty Mexican Agent in the Field, Atham, as well as that no good dirty Jewish Agent in the Field, Seth Hymes of In Demand

Posts will return to normal upon when Cappy feels like it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

"Dude Bro! I'm Trading Crypto!"

When Bitcoin hits $1,000 then I will start to buy again.

Still a ways to go.

Monday, November 19, 2018

No Work Monday

I will be hiking the Gold Strike trail today and there will be no long, lengthy, deep philosophical post as I typically do on Monday's.  If you still need a fix, may a recommend "Captain Capitalism Top Shelf" which as a new cover.

Available in Paperback and kindle.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Arrowhead Watch Boxes

Brilliant Christmas gift idea for this upcoming Christmas for your mom, dad, or your girlfriend.  A fancy, nice watch box.  You may ask what it's for, and it's for watches, but it can hold anything like jewelry, earrings, or even keepsakes.  I've been putting some fancy fossil samples in the one I got in the mail.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Clarey Podcast #274 - The Frankenstein Episode

Cappy puts together random segments of recording to form a podcast which includes him golfing, complaining about Asian drivers, and fan mail!

Podcast here.
Direct Mp3 here.

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Frontier and Limits of Red Pill Success

An interesting request from Asshole Consulting today.  A young man simply cannot find quality women to marry, nor quality friends to form a social network with.  He has, however, found legal prostitution as a cheap and efficient way to satisfy his sex life and a career that more than pays for his lifestyle and hobbies. 

In times past he would have made for an ideal husband and father candidate, but women are simply not interested in becoming wives or mothers as much as they are careerists.  So where does this leave men who kept their nose clean, their finances in order, and have attained success?  It's completely new and unexplored territory as men have never been in this situation before.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Why You Can't Trust the Critic's Score of Rotten Tomatoes

When you consider gamer gate, Hollywood, and the media in general, you simply cannot trust the professional "critics" when it comes to movies, shows, and media.  The reason is simple, they view all media through a political lens, not whether the shows are actually entertaining or not.

Akin to the words "racist," "sexist," "brave," and "offended," professional critics' opinions no longer have any meaning and therefore no longer have any value.  Extrapolating (not terribly far) from this, any awards can also be considered completely pointless and completely political such as the Oscars, the Nobel Peace Prize, and whatever else the baby boomer elite are awarding themselves for political reasons.

I cannot emphasize this enough to younger people who are currently being raised to pursue "excellence" when that excellence is in the form of a "prize" or social recognization from institutions that are corrupted.  If you want to be a GOOD journalist, you DO NOT want a Pulitzer.  If you want to make a good movie, you do NOT want an Oscar.  Much as I dislike social media, at least there are reviews, ratings, and yelp which are the opinions and views of "the people" and I suggest if you want a better life, be it your career, or simple enjoyment of entertainment and media, you completely dismiss what the "professional critics" say and instead listen to the voice of the people.

Baraboo is South Park

Where the only people who are sane are the kids.

Life's Too Short to Pay State Income Taxes

Had a heck of an interview with Kerry Lutz over at FSN.  We talked about the importance of moving out of socialists states to low taxes ones when you're younger, how millennials can't laugh at politically incorrect jokes, the horrors I've seen binging on feminist podcasts for "Operation Evil", and Dean Martin's "Celebrity Roasts." 

Tune in!

Direct MP3 here.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

How to Get Guys to Ask You Out

A request from Asshole Consulting that I thought was of benefit to the young ladies out there.  Also testing a new audio/visual set up.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Older Brother Podcast #26 - The "Adults Are All Crazy" Episode

How Baraboo Wisconsin Proves Adults are INSANE.
Coach Red Pill's Amazing Audio/Visual Quality.
John Steel Loves Ocasio Cortez.
Avoiding a Fake Rape Accusation.
Smoking cigarettes in Little LEague.


in THIS EPISODE of The Older Brother Podcast!

Direct MP3 here.
RSS feed here.
Youtube here.

Sponsored by Academic Composition and Orion's Cold Fire.


Internet Technology Ruining Everything, Including Girls

My colleague, TJ Martinell, put out one hell of a podcast where he discusses, in detail, how "internet technology" has become so advanced and so invasive into your personal life that it no longer becomes useful or practical.  I particularly like how he wants to buy ONE single item from Amazon over a VPN which results in him wasting 45 minutes of his life with verification codes, logging in and out of e-mail accounts, etc.  He then goes on to regale you with a story of how he was trying to chat up a cute girl and all she did was look at her phone.

The larger point is that as everybody rushes onto the internet for...well...everything, to protect your privacy the measures you need to take make it easier to live an analog life where you buy things at a physical store and meet people in meat space.  Unfortunately, even when you do, the technology has become so pervasive and so addictive, it's rendered most people unsociable, even impolite that only a few luddites will remain who insist their human interaction be human and free of a Demolition Man sex interface.

Anyway, one heck of a podcast if you're interested in listening.

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Role Stupid People Should Play in Society

The Three Main Goals of Humanity

As far as my logic takes me humanity has three main goals:

1.  To find out why we are here
2.  To achieve total knowledge of the universe/unlock its secrets, and in the process
3.  Achieve immortality.

This of course is not going to happen overnight.  Matter of fact all three of those goals are easily a millennia off into the future, if not more.  And sadly that means the majority of humans will simply not achieve immortality and everyone alive today will merely be contributors to those goals, not the final achievers of them.

This then presents a paradox for humans alive today - if you're not going to achieve any one of the three main goals of humanity, what is the best use of your time?  And logic would conclude enjoying your life through leisure, fun, and engagement with your fellow human beings would be the second-best option.  Of course, it is not that binary a choice.  I believe the human mind is forever curious and tempted by the unknown and it serves us economically to unlock some of the universe's secrets, even if it doesn't result in immortality. For example the splitting of the atom provided us with an unlimited source of energy.  Mastering electricity has conferred untold benefits and comfort upon humanity.  And medical advances have more than doubled our life expectancies.  I would also argue for some people exploring the intellectual and physical limits of our universe is also entertaining unto itself, and so a combination of both leisure and these intellectual pursuits is the best way humans can live and enjoy their finite lives today.  But before you get excited about a forever-advancing society, merely on the cusp of traveling to Alpha Centauri,  populating the planets and becoming gods, there's just one minor problem.

Stupid people.

And it will be the end of us.

The Problem with Stupid People

The problem with stupid people is they obstruct the ultimate three-goal aim of humanity and further obstruct (or at least lessen) our secondary goal of leisure and enjoyment.  Stupid people, in short, cost society resources by making stupid decisions which must at least be dealt with or fully remedied by the work, effort, and finite time of smart people.  This detracts human-kind in its pursuit of its three main lofty goals, not to mention, pisses us smart people off who have to deal with them.  And before you think I'm on some high horse, think again.  The price society pays for stupid people is insane.

For example, what percent of today's economy and work is spent remedying the mistakes of others and not making actual progress or new production that will actually benefit society?  A meal was prepared wrong.  Your mechanic failed to fix your car the right way.  Or something as simple as your dataentrysman put the wrong data in the wrong spreadsheet column.  These simple mistakes cost twice, thrice, even quadruple the time, effort, and energy to put right.  And if you had to estimate it, I bet you would find that about half our working hours are spent "doing something right the first time," after it's been done wrong two, three, or four times. Imagine if things were just done right the first time and the economic growth that would result from a "mistake-less" economy.  We'd all enjoy standards of living around $120,000 per capita (that's "a lot of money" for you stupid people who don't know what "per capita" means).

Another example insurance.  And I don't just mean insurance against a tornado, a hurricane or a statistically odd event of nature, but insurance against stupid people.  Tina the Suburbanite Princess who is texting and crashes into your car.  Insurance against a malpractice suit.  Insurance in the form of home security systems productive people must invest in their homes in South Africa.  And the entire global budget of the police and judicial systems honest, hard-working people have to pay taxes for to insure and protect against criminals.  Not one red cent of that money is spent on productive or enjoyable measures, but is instead an energy, time, and resource sink into paying for the stupid of society.  Anytime you see prison, remember, that is a black hole sucking up your resources for stupid people.

And illegitimate children.  My goodness, illegitimate children.

Illegitimate children were such a burden on society (and remain so today) because they were innocent, yet the most expensive mistake two irresponsible humans could foist upon a society.  Society was then forced to provide for these unwanted children (although some did do away with them), which is an enormous tax. But society would not do so without first taking its enormous toll on people who brought these illegitimate children into society.  They would be ostracized, excommunicated, or simply banned from society condemning them to a ruined life of poverty and societal shunning.  It is also why nearly every culture and religion insisted on having both first a husband and wife commit to one another before bringing unwanted children into this world.  Today, we instead celebrate stupid people in the form of "baby daddies," "baby mommas," and "brave single moms."

I could go on, but keep in mind this is the BEST case scenario when it comes to the price society pays for the stupid.  "The stupid have always been with us," and such historical expenses are the normal, everyday wear and tear society must pay for them.  But if you dare form a democracy and give these idiots the right to vote, heaven help you.  Because now you've changed the direction of society from the noble goals of attaining immortality, unlocking the secrets of the universe, and enjoying the intellectual company of one another to that of Idiocracy.

Stupid people will out-vote the smart ones so they simply don't have to work.  Stupid people will out-vote smart ones so they don't have to raise their kids.  Stupid people will out-vote smart people so they can major in the dumbest subjects in university, and then immediately vote to have their student loans forgiven for said dumbest degrees.  And stupid people will out-vote smart ones so they can avoid paying the mortgages the banks stupidly gave them.  Nearly every mistake stupid people will make, they will insist through democracy (and thus at the end of a gun) the smart and productive people bail them out.  It will get has gotten so bad stupid people will even vote for entire make-work industries to be made for them so they can imagine and play "make-believe adult" thinking they're "smart productive people too!" (college, academia, non-profits, social workers, non-profits, etc.).  And worse, with so much resources being stolen from the smart by the stupid, the stupid will out-breed the smart, permanently derailing humanity from the pursuit of its three main goals.  Overall societal IQ will tank, economies will inevitably stagnate, society will cease to advance, and the morons that populate the Earth will be more concerned about "sportsball" than they will cold fusion.  A meteorite will hit the Earth and the human race will end, never with a shot of attaining the total knowledge and immortality it was once capable of.

All because of stupid people.

The Moral Case for Taking Advantage of Stupid People

The price smart people have to pay and endure because of the stupid is incalculable.  Denying us the pursuit of immortality, total knowledge and why we exist is alone reason enough to loathe the stupid.  But the stupid even ruin our secondary purpose in life of enjoying leisure and freedom.  And it is not so much that the stupid do this by requiring more and more of our lives to bail them out of the stupidity of theirs, but that they then go on to ruin society making it increasingly difficult, if not, impossible to enjoy. 

You cannot merely get a drink or a dinner without your ears being raped by the idiotic talking heads of Fox, CNN, TMZ, CNBC or ESPN.  Television must be everywhere and it's twin brother of pop music must be attached at the hip.  Smart people's senses must be constantly assaulted by noise that the stupid of society dance to.  "How is LeBron James' jump shot?"  "What did Donald Trump tweet today?"  "What latest Hollywood Harlotry is going on?" "Here's the latest shitty song by Rhianna you're supposed to like because we told you to."  Newspapers print pieces to make dumb people feel smart just because they read "The New Yorker," "The Economist," or "The New York Times."  Movies are made that are crappy remakes and sequels of originals because nobody has the talent to make anything original.  The public landscape is turned into a public eyesore with inferior "minimalist" art and architecture because the artists were too dumb (and lazy) to create anything beautiful.  Which is no better than the public themselves, where ugly people equally mar the landscape with their obesity, sleeve tattoos, purple hair, noodle soy boy arms, and sloven fashion not because "they're independent minded," but they're most conformist conformies who ever conformed.  And perhaps the epitome of stupidity is where the masses are dumb enough to be divided along racial, gender, and ethnic lines, so that smart people actually have to waste their time arguing against something as simplistic, elementary, and stupid as socialism.  There are increasingly few morsels of true intellectual reward for the intelligent to enjoy in life, and the rest of society is quickly becoming a constant, taxing pain smart people must endure every waking moment of their lives.  It's perfectly moral and right for smart people to hate stupid people.

But even this I could understand as not everybody is MENSA material. Not everybody is going to appreciate a good Victor Borge skit over a Margaret Cho tampon joke.  Not everybody has the intelligence to enjoy a good conversation over a mindless night of yelling at each other over loud music at a bar.  And the majority of people are too stupid to answer the question "who's going to produce the stuff in a socialist society?"  I know the majority of people are going to be stupid.

But if it was only simple, innocent stupidity.

Because it's almost guaranteed that along with galactic stupidity people are going to have arrogance and ego.  They actually think they are smart.  They actually think they're independent minded.  They, with their solidly average IQ's of 100, their gossip shows and People Magazines, their worthless humanities degrees, all of whom are financially insolvent, all think they know better than actual intelligent, non-conformist people.  People who don't even have enough saved up for retirement, live pay check to pay check, who consume the most moronic, idiotic slop and all regurgitate what they were programmed to dare to think they're special, they're unique, or they're intelligent.  And when I have to deal with intellectual inferiors who confuse popularity and conformity with "intelligence," and are arrogant enough to think they're better because they're doing precisely what society has brainwashed them to do, I no longer view them as sad, forgiveable creatures, that are life's necessary retards smarter people have to endure.  I view them as enemies, completely responsible for the delay in human advancement and a lessening of my quality of life, deserving of contempt and being taken advantage of.

Their contemptable nature, however, is ultimately moot. Because whether they are consciously evil or ignorantly arrogant, the role stupid people should play in society is not determined by morality, ethics, or whether we hate them or not.  It's ultimately determined by what they're capable of.  It is ultimately determined by what their opportunity cost is to society. And if you sit down and think about it, whether you loathe the stupid as I do, or forgive them as most others, they are capable of nothing.  They are stupid.  They truly have no value to society.

To be blunt, the lives of stupid people are a pure waste of time and life.  They really offer nothing of value to society.  Do you honestly think “Madison” the 23 year-old International Communications Major is going to do ANYTHING notable with her life along with the equally pointless and common MILLIONS of other 20 something humanities-majoring girls in society?  You think "DudeBro Tanner" and his finance degree with his leased used Beamer is going to do anything except file for bankruptcy when his parents finally cut him off and his sales job dries up because the owner was embezzling money from the shareholders?  Do you think Bambi the Soccer Mom will do anything beyond spending more than her husband brings home as she drives and invariably wrecks her Range Rover SUV around a tree with a Hillary bumper sticker?  And the professional victim?  Be it race, gender, mental illness, or whatever, do you think they along with the MILLIONS of other “professional activists” are ever going to amount to anything beyond people who lobbied for a slightly larger government check?  The vast majority of people are accomplishmentless, petty, incompetents who replace anything of worth or value in their lives with religions, ideologies, political crusades, pop cultures, trinkets, bobbles, materialism, and other vicariousities all so they can avoid real work, but still feel good or "popular" about themselves.  Forget whether they are stupid or not.  Forget whether they're arrogant or not.  They're simply incapable of delivering any value to society which ultimately determines the role they should play in it.

The Role Stupid People Should Play in Society

Since the stupid are not capable of anything of worth the only role they should play in society is that of cattle, chattel, or sheep.  They are a crop or a livestock that the smart and intelligent should live off of, thereby making the lives of the smart easier and more enjoyable.  I would also argue that they morally deserve to be taken advantage of and essentially be enslaved to the benefit of the intelligent because they've deprived humanity of the pursuit of its three noble goals.  But this is a secondary and moot argument to the functional fact of "what else are they going to do?"

Of course, nearly all of you are going to take umbrage and offense to this because it's effectively arguing for an unconscious slavery.  We are taking advantage of people who are handicapped and disabled compared to us.  It's unethical and immoral to do this to people simply because they're "stupid."  But before you get all offended and think this is slavery,  I want you to go to, shop for a full length mirror, buy it, have it delivered, set it up, and then look in it because this enslavement is already happening and you likely fully endorse it.  The majority of American stupid people are already rightly enslaved as the sheep they are, and their slave masters are oddly the institutions, people, and entities you all worship and praise.  But what's worse (but REALLY funny to us smart people) is chances are you are not only a sheep yourself, enslaved to people smarter than you, but you cheer on and endorse your own slavery.

Let me count the ways.

The Democrat Party has more slaves under its control now that it did before the Civil War in the south.  And I'm not just talking black people.  I'm talking any of you fools who fell for their "divide and conquer" strategy along race, gender, sex, ethnicity, and even "ableist" lines.

All you privileged white women from the suburbs who had more of daddy's money shoved up your asses to major in worthless crap in school actually think you're oppressed because of "sexism."  Idiot college kids who major in worthless crap blame "evil republicans" for the student loans they signed on the dotted line for.  People of all races who simply spit out more kids than they can afford and then blame "the rich" because they're too stupid to know how sperm and eggs work.  And let's not forget people who have come from every advantage in life, but still need a "disability" and now make-believe they have one of a 31 flavors of gender.  But what's truly stupid here is that the promises of socialism and an "other people's money utopia" are never delivered by the Democrat Party.  The lives these people live are HORRIBLE.  Whether they're a forever-poor "sociology major" who can never pay back their student loans, or a poverty-stricken fifth generation black family who religiously votes democrat, you don't make the connection that voting Democrat/socialism hasn't worked...ever...once, and is actually the CAUSE of your poverty and slavery.  But you'll keep going back to vote democrat because it feels good and they say the right things, right?  Because "feeling" good is better than actually "doing good" and that's how the Democrats keep you enslaved.

Oprah anyone?

Of course, not just "Oprah" but she epitomizes what I call the "Women's Ass Kissing Industry."  The industry that blows smoke up women's asses to get them to buy things.

"You're all amazing, wonderful women, who are so powerful and brave."

No you're not.

You're just another human being that happens to have a vagina and tits.  And you're worthless until you do something of value and accomplishment in your life than merely "being female."  Why don't you try majoring in engineering, or perhaps go work on an oil rig, become an accountant, or maybe just raise some quality children instead of shipping them out to daycare?

Of course, this is why Oprah is a billionaire, and I'm not.  But look at how many millions of women she enslaved by telling them sweet lies, yet ruined their family lives in the process.  And forget Oprah, combine everything with the women's fashion industry, day time television talk shows, the "girl empowerment" movement, one could even say feminism in general.  They've convinced, and thus enslaved, the majority of women in this country that things are more important than humans.  Careers are more important than husbands.  Educations are more important than children.

But how much you want to bet those now-aged Baby Boomer acolytes of Oprah, sitting in their condo afforded to them by their divorce settlements, are lonely, miserable, and with their cats?  How many more generations of women are heading that same direction?  And how happy of lives did they live being slaves to Oprah and the Women's Ass Kissing Industry?  Well, at least I'm sure they have some very nice shoes.

The education bubble anyone?

Mercy, the irony here is that these stupid people actually think they're smart because they went to "college."  They don't understand what a "loan" is, they certainly don't understand what "compound interest is," and they're way too stupid to study economics, but by gum, they got themselves one of dem der degrees!  They is so smart!  The hypocrisy that these slaves think they're soooo intelligent and "independent minded" makes me want to throw up and laugh hysterically at the same time.

Regardless, again, who is the slave-owner in this instance?  And once again, it's people the slaves worship and view as their friends.  Teachers, guidance counselors, professors and deans, all cheering you on to LITERALLY AND FINANCIALLY ENSLAVE YOURSELF for DECADES by borrowing $100,000 to give to them so that you in turn may get a piece of paper that qualifies you to work as a barista.  But let me guess, I'm the one that's "ignorant."

Finally there's Corporate America.

I view this as actual slavery not because you're actual slaves (you are paid after all), but when you step back and look at what careerists, MBA's, professionals, and the rest of you "powerful, successful" sheep allow your employers to do to you, it is indeed slavery.  

First, you morons line up to endebt yourselves for four year degrees of dubious value.  I say "dubious" because in nearly every job listing it says "masters preferred," so once again you sheep enslave yourselves further for masters degrees and MBA's.  

Second, wasting your youth and crippling your finances for six years isn't enough.  So you need to cue up, line up, and commute along with all the other cattle in rush hour (if you're "lucky" enough to land a job).  I've said this before, and I'll say it again, commuting is the single worst scourge plaguing the world today since it directly cuts into your freedom and free time which is all you have in life.  But forget that!  Corporate America and Big Education have successful convinced you it's all worth it because WORK is what defines you and your CAREER is what gives you value. None of those nasty, icky, gross things like "fun" or "hobbies" or "family."  

Third, you guys actually sit in cages euphemistically called "cubes."  At least actual slaves got outside a bit and some exercise.  You guys sit on your asses for DECADES as time flies by looking at computers screens all because someday you might get promoted to "Assistant Reserve Director" with a window office.  But let me guess, I'm just some guy who "couldn't hack it" in Corporate America, right?  You know a lot better with your $90,000 a year job, $75,000 in MBA student loan debt, $400,000 McMortgage on your McMansion, and a $500 a month lease on that Mercedes you need to "keep up appearances."  Right, you keep thinking that.

About the only thing that can make Corporate American slavery worse is that whereas traditionally men would sacrifice their youth working anyway, women have also been thoroughly brainwashed to think working is fun.

I got to say that again so maybe you can appreciate the gravity of that statement.

Women have been convinced working is fun.  
Not FUN IS FUN, like flying kites, biking, hiking, painting, or maybe spending time with children.  But that WORKING IS FUN.  SLAVERY IS FUN!

This not only makes your Corporate Slave Masters very happy because as a "strong, independent woman" you now have lowered wages by drastically increasing the labor supply, but you've made your Government Slave Masters happy by paying more in taxes.  You also made your Big Education Slave Masters happy too by all that debt you borrowed, and the "Women's Ass Kissing Industry" Slave Masters happy with the thousands you borrowed to buy $2,000 hand bags.  But this isn't even the highest price paid for female-careerist-self-enslavement.  In pursuing a career "uber alles," women sacrifice their youth, beauty, and fertility, and thus a shot at a husband and family.  Which could arguably be the reason humans exist - is to simply have the love and company of a spouse and children.

We Won't Even Have to Lift a Finger

I could go on, but the list of self-enslaving sheep is just too numerous to enumerate.  In nearly every aspect of society you have the stupid enslaved by the smart.  And usually, that enslavement is achieved by promising the stupid a lie.  "Wealth," "happiness," "success," "equality," and even ironically "freedom." Lower-IQ people whose minds are so weak they fear the real work and toil that is required to achieve success and happiness, are always looking for the cheat codes to life.  The short cut to success.  They will literally sell their souls, sell themselves into slavery to anybody smart enough to tell them what they want to hear.

The question is, as a smart person should you play by these rules you're more or less forced to?

Previously, I detested my politically adversaries for their leftist politics.  They were for theft, they were for inferiority, they were for the commune, and against the individual.  They were anti-human, anti-carpe diem, and preferred failure over excellence and accomplishment.  But now I have a reluctant respect, even admiration for the "professional leftists" who get millions of people to willingly enslave themselves to them.  Oprah IS a genius.  Obama, Pelosi, and the management of the Democrat party ARE brilliant.  Deans and chancellors of our university system are clever.  And feminists, detestable as you might find them, you have to really tip your cap to get them to convince nearly every single American woman that work is fun and the government is better than having a family. This has profited them on the order of TRILLIONS over the years and makes you as a machiavellian, or merely a realist, wonder if you shouldn't get in on the action too.

Because I don't know about you, but every time I try to help out a stupid person, try to prevent a young woman from majoring in something stupid, prevent a young man from going into debt, advocate fiscal discipline, or advocate freedom, I'm called a racist, a sexist, a homophobe or just plain "jerk."  And I'm getting sick of it.  I still leave one line in the water to hold out for those genuinely intelligent people who have been misled and brainwashed, but they are the rare minority.  The rest of the people are just plain stupid and arrogant on top of it.  They absolutely deserve to be enslaved.  Besides, it's what they want.
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