Friday, November 16, 2018

The Frontier and Limits of Red Pill Success

An interesting request from Asshole Consulting today.  A young man simply cannot find quality women to marry, nor quality friends to form a social network with.  He has, however, found legal prostitution as a cheap and efficient way to satisfy his sex life and a career that more than pays for his lifestyle and hobbies. 

In times past he would have made for an ideal husband and father candidate, but women are simply not interested in becoming wives or mothers as much as they are careerists.  So where does this leave men who kept their nose clean, their finances in order, and have attained success?  It's completely new and unexplored territory as men have never been in this situation before.


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Do what I did ...... marry a young woman from SE Asia.

    Okay, have fun for 10 more years or so, then marry an asian.

    I am in my 60's; my wife is in her 30's. We have been married 11 years with 2 kids. So far so good. She treats me great, and desires to be a good wife and mother.

    I could NEVER find anything remotely close to that with the women where I'm from, America.

  2. Anonymous5:49 PM

    We need a Captain Capitalism/Older Brother forum to congregate digitally or coordinate meeting in real life.

  3. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Hey bro.

    You've asked an excellent question. You and I are very similar and I think we might even have the same hobby, but we don't know each other unless we have met in the Netherlands without knowing it, or via YouTube channel comments.

    I'm older than you. I've been where you are and I have some definitive advice:

    -Despite what Aaron says, life IS better with a long term romantic partner.

    -However, there's nothing that says you have to have the same partner for your whole life. They come and go, that's natural. So don't get oneitis and for God's sake don't marry one. Male friends come in and out of your life too - that's natural as well, don't sweat it.

    -You're an introvert. Me too. We need to get out. The video games are a mistake. Get off your arse and get outdoors. Ski. Volunteer. Take a course in something. Go to a meetup or hackerspace. Aaron is right about this.

    -It's a mistake to look for a woman who is your intellectual equal. This is counterintuitive but true. You will be happier with a partner with whom you do NOT discuss complex shit with - that's what your male friends are for and internet forums are fine for this. This was a revelation to me when I finally worked it out and it counts for a lot, trust me on this.

    -You'll hear the term "Outcome independence" a lot and it's the main driver of your overall happiness and wellbeing. As a side issue, women find this hugely attractive. (If you are also INTJ they'll find the confidence that comes with that attractive as well. You're probably overthinking this stuff and missing these cues but again trust me, it's true. The trick to dating is to not give a flying fuck about the outcome. Your happiness is independent of the outcome of the date. Go out. Have fun. Drink coffee with some girl in a bar and enjoy the process. Who gives a shit if it goes any further.

  4. leeholsen8:21 PM

    it's just math really and especially in his case. its just cheaper to spend some money on protitutes over what you're going to drop finding someone you want to be with for a year or more
    there's a moral case but I am starting to think even God would say it's okay given the number of woman that are just plain unattractive physically, mentally and by personality in today's western civilization.
    and I have no doubt if the whorehouses in Nevada were hooking you up for a couple of hours for two to three hundred dollars; guys would not be loading the planes up to gamble there
    -signed jealous

  5. Breeders. Women don't want to be mothers, it is too much work. They only want to give birth.

    It is the exact same thing with female dogs. A bitch is ideally bred in her third heat (late teens for humans). When the pups are weaned she will then proceed to drive them away. If the bitch is not ever bred she turns into an uncontrollable mess of an animal Ask any dog breeder.

    Human females are exactly same. But their weaning period is 18 years and they know this and they don't want to do it. But they still want to give birth as the X chromosome demands.

    This, in a nutshell, explains the mental state of the modern female. She wants to give birth and at the same time she doesn't all the while her clock is ticking in her mind while her X chromosome is screaming do it now. There is no way out for them so they just o psycho instead. Just that simple.

  6. So where does this leave men who kept their nose clean, their finances in order, and have attained success?

    Free to emigrate to other parts of the world where they can find women --and the societies they come from-- who still respect men as husbands, fathers, and providers. They sure as fuck are wasting their time and energy in such a pursuit here.

  7. Anonymous9:18 PM

    51 checking in. Speaking as and older guy, I say “Come on in, the water’s fine!”

    Keep fit, stay away from cigs, too much booze and especially women your own age. If you want kids, get a wife who doesn’t speak any English, and learn to like whatever kind of food they have wherever she’s from.

    Build your walls, and go do the things that you want to do, unencumbered by some moody harridan. If you want yo bang women in the 35+ category, if you just aren’t fat that’s usually enough. If you want younger girls, You are going to have to work a little bit harder. But ultimately, what feminism and the current state of relations between the genders taught us, is to look out for number one.
