Thursday, November 01, 2018

Why Christian Men Shouldn't Date Christian Women

Cappy explains why most "Christian" women older than 30 really aren't "Christian" as much as they're abusing Christ.

Consider hiring Asshole Consulting to make your life A LOT easier.


  1. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I used to write a blog for Christian single men, and am sorry to relate that I pretty much agree with you. Also "yoke" and "taking someone to dinner" are really, really, far apart on the continuum. And Christian women can be batshit crazy about things like the age of the earth; whether you tithe; or take-your-pick hot button doctrinal issue.

  2. Anonymous4:10 AM

    A lot of women will ride the carousel while young and then as they approach the wall they "get right with themselves" as Rollo would say and suddenly adopt religion, make you wait X number of dates before sex etc.... they act like virtue is something you can get out of a vending machine when the time arrives to erase all their prior history and become a good girl fit for marriage and children.

  3. Albert6:05 AM

    Okay, I'm a Latter-Day Saint, so I'm coming at this from a religious tradition that very much prizes abstinence outside of marriage and strict fidelity within. That, naturally, has an influence on what I consider functional and dysfunctional in terms of trying to be a follower of Christ. Or, in other words, a Christian.

    All that said, in the first few minutes you said your buddy doesn't want to give up sex while dating outside of marriage. Which means that he's ignoring some fairly strong direction by Christ and His apostles about righteous sexual behavior, and his dating pool of Christian women is necessarily limited to those women who either disregard those same instructions or can be pressured/persuaded into some rather serious sin in the name of romance.

    Given that, I'm not at all surprised that his dating pool is filled with Christian women who are psychologically dumpster fires, and that doesn't even get into being broken by Christ-hating feminism.

  4. Red Pill Wisdom5:44 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    A lot of women will ride the carousel while young and then as they approach the wall they "get right with themselves" as Rollo would say and suddenly adopt religion, make you wait X number of dates before sex etc.... they act like virtue is something you can get out of a vending machine when the time arrives to erase all their prior history and become a good girl fit for marriage and children."

    You can see all this by dropping onto Dalrock's blog.
    'Christian feminists' who deny the 'feminist' label, phony "I'm a Good Girl now" refugees from the Carousel, and weak-willed mangina pastors who promote and defend this nonsense.
    And of course, they all wonder why their pews are filled with these "I'm a Christian not a feminist" feminists and Carousel cumrags who think that ordinary male humans aren't 'good enough' for them, while the men who have an iota of confidence and self-pride are nowhere to be found.

  5. You're making the common mistake of confusing Christian with churchian. The women you describe are the latter. So, in fact, are most men who call themselves Christian.
