Monday, February 04, 2019

Isabel O’Shaughnessy Gets Equality

If you didn't know Ms. O'Shaughnessy was this young lady here who, in addition to being mentally ill, thought it would be funny and perfectly alright to grab a man's genitals.

Unfortunately, she is now being treated as an equal and getting charged with sex abuse.

What piqued my interest though was the mention of the Catholic University of America. I  looked it up and it is indeed a catholic university.  But, as is with many things in Christianity, it's more concerned about green credentials and leftist politics than it is religion or JC.  If there was any morality within the CUA they would expel Ms. O'Shaughnessy, but something tells me they like her mammons she pays in tuition.


  1. "Isabel O’Shaughnessy Gets Equality"

    No she doesn't. She's only being charged with a misdemeanor.

  2. Captain Capitalism is whining how the university only cares about capital they receive from tuition rather than morality. Such a dirty socialist pig you are. Maybe big gubmint can use your tax dollars to punish her and you really would be howling. Oh wait...

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Remember, the internet is forever. These psychos will be followed by their reputation for the rest of their truly miserable lives. Every employer, every romantic interest, and every loan officer is going to look at aggregated reports with all the psychotic SJW whining on it. For-ev-er.

  4. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Please sign my petition o have her expelled.

  5. One Pussy Pass coming right up!

  6. please sign.

  7. If she is convicted register her as a sex offender. Equal rights and lefts and all that.

  8. If convicted register her as a sex offender. She mad a conscious pre-meditated decision to touch someone's genital region when she clearly understood that it was criminal.
