Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Older Brother Podcast #42 - The Return of John Steele Episode

Cappy, Chad, and John Steele field a ton of superchat questions as well as discuss:

Taking action versus talking about it
How to become a podcaster
Graduating from college at 16
Wiccan chicks are GREAT in the sack
Seattle Times is not journalism
Scott Greenstone is a hack.  TJ Martinell is a Journalist.
13 Reasons Why
Cheerleaders Chad and Cappy would have


In THIS EPISODE of The Older Brother Podcast!
Direct MP3 here.
YouTube here.

Support the show by doing your shopping here.


  1. Cappy, Might want to rethink your use of the "half of all marriages end in divorce" stat that you keep throwing around. It isn't true. Not only was the figure based on a faulty statistical model (number of marriages in a year / number of divorces in a year isn't an analysis of the same marriages), even the best statistics suggest that the high divorce rate in the 70s (about 1/3 of all marriages from back then failed) was an anomaly and that the numbers are not only generally significantly lower but they are falling.

    Good cast. Nice to hear Steele back.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    heresolong: the divorce rate is falling because the marriage rate is falling. Yes, "rate" in both of those. Fewer people with marginal relationships are getting married instead of just shacking up for five or ten years. Those "divorces" are not counted because their "marriage" was never counted.

    A better stat to look at would be the percentage of households with only one parent along with the percentage of people who have never married along with the divorce rate.

  3. David Wholly1:07 PM

    It IS true, however, that the vast majority of divorces are initiated by women. Marriage is still a losing deal for men overall.
