Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Lessons I Learned from My Divorce

"First of all, there is nothing worse that you will go through. I have been through personal chronic illness, deaths of close friends and family, job losses and natural disasters.

They were all child’s play in comparison to a divorce initiated by your other half."


  1. This is why you don't get married.

  2. Klaus2:31 AM

    Same here - worse than my cancer - no flippancy intended.

  3. Shannon_Entropy6:09 AM

    So... "there is nothing worse that you will go through", huh ??

    I got divorced back in my twenties after four years of hell; and even tho it cost me plenty for a few years, it was one of the best things I ever did to ensure a lifetime of happiness

    Want to know what's worse than divorce ?? Try having your beloved --- worshiped even --- wife of thirty-one years get cancer and die a miserable death right in front of your eyes, as happened to me this July. That is much MUCH worse than divorce, trvst me

  4. Is Adam's page still down, or is it just a bad connection on my end?

  5. Really good advice. Wish I had read that before I got a divorce.

    However. I probably would not have listened to a single bit of it, and neither will anyone reading Adam's column. The only people who will read and appreciate the advice given are the people who have already done it all wrong at least once.

  6. The amazing thing is that so many young men still choose to get married, despite the fact that there are virtually no benefits but considerable risks. Why is that?

  7. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Adam loved and lost.

    Poor bastard. Have that T shirt.

    Financially, it was a bitch, and I ended up being a solo Dad for a decade.

    His advice is sound, however.

  8. SM7776:37 PM

    An ounce of prevention.... Just don't get married. Problem avoided.

  9. Anonymous7:36 PM

    No option but for western men to stay single. Fishing, hiking, camping, metal detecting, reading, video games, side business, traveling, canoeing, building computers, watching videos/movies, mountain biking, etc. So much you can do to enjoy your life aside from chasing high maintenance fat/slutty tail.

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    "The amazing thing is that so many young men still choose to get married, despite the fact that there are virtually no benefits but considerable risks. Why is that?"

    Hormones and we are all products of our cultures until we have it beat out of us. Men want kids as much as women do, just as women want sex as much as men do. We men have been beat up pretty bad by the man-haters, and marriage rates are way down, just since the 90's.

    Most boys until they see men being ground up by Saddam Hussein type meat grinders, just assume they will grow up and get married.

    Marriage is different in Mexico. In fact, private marriage known as Free Union is very common in Mexico. And, women who commit adultery can lose custody, if the man or his mother wants the kids. It is amazing how tight a woman can hold her knees together if a friend loses her kids, and ends up in the street.

    Clearly, life in Mexico isn't for everyone. My son-in-law called me a coward when I bailed, but it requires cojones to leave your native country. Few men can handle it.

    Anonymous age 77

  11. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I don't think there is any surefire solution to women leaving marriages on a whim. There are simply not that many people who are loyal to each other. Now with all of the other distractions/options around you really don't have a great chance in marriage. Future does not look bright for the marriage racket....
