Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Older Brother Podcast - Thanksgiving Day Special!

Join Cappy and Chad this evening or download them for your Thankgiving drive tomorrow as they do a special thanksgiving episode of The Older Brother Podcast (though it's not really anything special...just a podcast near Thanksgiving)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

Why You Economically and Empirically Cannot Find a Man

Feminism has consequences ladies.

The entire study located here.

I know a lot of you boys felt cheated out of your genetic birthright, and you were.  You have every right to be pissed off. But understand that the universe has a MANDATORY law of cause and effect.  Equal and opposite.  Action reaction.  And just like to the calorie of energy the laws of physics must balance, so too do sexual and economic dynamics.  Women are just not going to find their man.  The majority of them will live unfulfilled lives.  And if I were you I'd start buying stocks in pet supplies, cat-saving phamaceuticals, wine, and egg freezing technologies.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Professors and College Administrators Should Pay for the Student Loan Bail Out

Because that's where the money went.

The schools themselves have nothing left.

BTW, don't major in "Criminal Justice."  I know your dad and brothers were part of the system.  That doesn't mean there's jobs there.

The Clarey Podcast - Fort Collins Special

My adventures take me to Fort Collins Colorado where I hang out with the great one and am thankful there are no cats, no spergs, people who have conversation, and a chance to sit and work on the book.

Join me and The Great One for a good philosophical podcast.


I know this has a spin, but it's good to see one leftist organization (the media) attack teachers and the public schools.  Maybe like the commies and nazis during WWII they can kill tons of each other!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Dear American Mothers, Fuck Your Career, Raise Your Fucking Kids

I'm getting so sick of how the left claims "they're for the children" but can't wait to separate families with the state rearing children. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Clarey Podcast #314 - The "First Podcast in a Long Time" Episode

Why we can't have nice things.
They're all sheep.  All of them.
Mexican Family Vacations
Agents in the field prove to Cappy it "is that bad in the field"
Enjoying lefties suffering their lives


In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Direct MP3 here.

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Monday, November 18, 2019

It is Sadly "That Bad" on the Front Lines

I appreciate the reports coming in from all the Agents in the Field who are still dating.  It is, as you know, not entirely possible to know what it's like dating today if you're not dating, but Jesus H Christ.  It really is bad as you guys say it is.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Sad Truth About Anime

Most of it sucks:

This harsh truth brought to you by Asshole Consulting.

"People Skills," "Soft Skills," and "EQ" are Bullshit

"You see this all the way back in school, where ‘nerds’ are ostracized, to workplaces where higher IQ people are made to feel like misfits (“Low EQ”) and forced to follow ultimately flawed instructions from bosses who insist on obedience.

Having a high IQ, just like all things, has its pros and cons.

The pros are easy to spot – more financial and career success, more academic success, more business success, better analytical ability, etc. The cons are far more subtle, to the point that it is mostly believed that there aren’t any.

And because of this myth that intelligence can have no cons, the problems created by a high IQ often go misdiagnosed.

This leads to high IQ people trying to fix the “wrong source” – which in turn makes the problem worse.
You are told you need to work on your “people skills” – meanwhile, you can’t figure out why people find enjoyment in watching other people play football on TV (the answer is tribalism).

This misdiagnosis and dead-end “wrong source” fixes make many intelligent people feel confused, hopeless, and full of despair over time, especially when combined with the insanity of not being able to know what’s wrong with you."

You know what's wrong with you?  NOTHING.  Absolutely NOTHING.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


You vote left
Which destroys the nuclear family
Which removes the father from the family
Which means the kids are not disciplined
Which means when they land on your doorstep at your public school
You get to deal with the frankenstein monsters your voting created.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Skinny Wives Save Lives

A short post today as I'm traveling across the country, trying to write a book, and trying to recover my voice.  Regular Cappy won't be back until Thanksgiving is over and he is back in the Northern Command.  In the meantime enjoy (hopefully) this very quick and unedited post. 

I was hanging out with that no good dirty Mexican we all love, Atham.  Many of you know him as the chemical engineer major off in the lofty mountains near Lake Tahoe, who works menial late night jobs so he can graduate without debt, find a job with the least amount of HR BS as possible, make his money, and enjoy the last half of his life with peace, serenity, calm, and stability.

Over a cigar we got on the topic of nagging women, specifically how it's not acceptable, but unavoidable, thus forcing stoicism upon you.  But a more poignant observation we made was how women "trying to help," or lecturing you about your health, or telling you about "this" diet fad or "that" diet fad, or (in general) telling you what to do, is not helping at all, but killing you.  And if women really want to extent the life expectancy of their men, they would do one of two things:

Support or silence.

If you are a real man (and that's a very huge if nowadays given the Millennials and soyboys out there) you will have:

Supported yourself
Educated and trained yourself
Established a profession
Invested your money
and in general have become an independent man, relying on no one or no thing.

It takes a while, especially given the price of tuition and the hurdles to a stable career the baby boomers have laid in front of you, but this journey, this perseverance, this challenge is what galvanizes you into a man at the end of it. And so there you are as an accomplished bachelor, sitting your bachelor pad you bought and paid for, doing your thing in life that you were meant to do, all under your own steam.

Inevitably a woman will come in.  She has not had anywhere near the galvanzing experiences you do. Matter of fact she's had a huge leg up over you.  She's had parents subsidize her well into her late 20's.  A college and educational environment that had done all but sacrifice goats in terms of woman worship.  Affirmative action as a standard policy to hire women over mean.  And men themselves, wishing to access her vagina, will also subsidize her in terms of dates, gifts, even direct financial help (Cappy knows one prominent paper alpha who is now helping a truly pampered suburbanite princess with food and rent simply because she's hot).  Wherever this assistance comes from, it puts life on easy mode for women, they do not endure, toil, or work as hard as men, but since society is lying to them (for a variety of reason) they think they are as equally independent, strong, and accomplished as you are, and therefore have a right to tell you what to do and how to do it.

This then sets the scene for what will be the cause of the majority of battles between couples.  Men KNOW what it took to get to where they were. Men were perfectly fine, even excelling past their female counterparts when adjusting for the handicaps life gave women.  From simple time management to car maintenance to why you don't waste your time cleaning to the anal retentive levels women do, men have a VERY GOOD and PRECISE reason for every decision they make and whatever habits they've developed over the years.  But women do not see this.  They only see what the HGTV channel has shown them life should be like.  They only have what the media and women's magazines tell them they're entitled too.  While the men are working hard in the engine room of the Titanic, women are arranging deck chairs and floral bouquets, lecturing them about their dirty feet, or why eating "this" is bad for you, or any one of an unlimited number of aspects of your life that has otherwise been streamlined to maximize your ability to earn a living.

Each and every one of these criticisms, unsolicited bits of advice, and nagging serves as a grain of sand thrown into your engine.  It decreases efficiency, it takes time for you to deal with, but inevitably it taxes and destroys the engine.  You aren't allowed to produce or progress as much as you once did.  YOu have to explain to women in a very child like way WHY you're doing these things. You even have to defend yourself and the choices you've made as to why it's better.  You even have to at times explain "because it's my fucking house and my fucking money, that's why."  But regardless of the particular pointless grain of sand that was throw into your engine, such conditions over time not only slow you down and impede your ability to work and get the most out of life, it slowly but surely kills you.  Even, ironically your wife or girlfriend nagging you about healthy living.  It inevitably kills you.

This nagging I argue is killing men earlier than normal.  The "crisis of men" where men commit more suicide, the mortality rate of men is going up, and more "depressed deaths" being logged among men is caused, disproportionately by adversarial women.  And while yes, statistics would show opioids, alcohol, liver disease, and the like are the cause of this, the cause of that would be the toxification of the one thing that gave men point and purpose to live - women - driving men to drink and killing their will to live in the process.  You may make the argument it isn't provable, but nagging, being confrontational, and competing against your husband certainly does not extend his life.

However, there is something that is also killing off men way earlier and way more effectively than women's nagging and their general confrontational demeanor against men.  And its origins are precisely that of nagging, one would even say it's the ultimate form of nagging - obesity.

The number one thing that drives men in life is female beauty.  The only reason you have roads and the cars to drive them on, let alone the buildings you'd drive on them to are because men pursued female beauty.  And they way men got female beauty was by building up wealth, creating some amazing things, and making life easier for any woman who might be kind enough to hook up with him.  BUt without this beauty, men have no incentive to get up in the morning, work hard, major in engineering, let alone create or innovate.  Worse, it is that fuel that the male spirit lives on, the purpose and reason in life, and by association the fuel that powers society. So when all of society's women decide to get obese because "big is beautiful," or you marry your wife and she pulls the fat grenade and blows up, you immediately deliver the largest blow you can to a man's reason to live.  And whether that man is a single man and has to look at the vast sea of landwhales that are available to date, or you're married and your wife gets fat, yes, there are other things in life, but not really.  There just isn't a reason for a man to get up and give it his all.  It's like putting a 38 octane fuel in a racing car that needs 110.  And soon, over time men will also become obese, eat unhealthy, have their spirits broken, and certainly die earlier than they would otherwise, some even committing suicide.

Thus "Skinny Wives Saves Lives" is a saying I coined simply because it's true.  If society is REALLY concerned about the increasing deaths of men, they might want to look at what women are doing (and becoming) as that is what men normally lived for.  It may not quaintly fit into your sociology theories about "having enough government resources to fight and treat addiction," and it certainly forces an unfortunate responsibility on women to remain svelte and comely for their men, but if you really want to turn increasing male mortality around, maybe instead of being a loud, obnoxious, nagging, confrontational lard ass you become a supporting, feminine, skinny wife?

Of course, I know, I know. Many of you veterans out there know this is folly.  We know that by their behaviors women love food more than men (and the same can be said of many o' husbands).  And we know there's no way to undo the decades of time and trillions of dollars in brainwashing women have received since they were 5 about how they had to compete against men.  This generation and the next (Gen Z) are more or less washes that are going to have to be forfeited as feminine beauty is essentially outlawed for them.  All I wanted to point out is that society does not have the balls to point out that in making women ugly, fat, nagging and adversarial to men we've also given men huge disincentive to live.  And until we point that out you can expect male mortality to increase, and economic growth to decrease.  Enjoy the show and enjoy the decline.
Check out Aaron's other cool stuff!

The US Education System is Not Broken. It's Working PRECISELY the Way the Socialists Designed It To.

A very good piece but it is not cynical enough.

The US education system is doing precisely what it's been designed to do - take young, completely brainwashable children and turn them into supporters of the state.  And I would even go so far as to say that college makes them zealots and fervent maniacs of the state because it is so clear socialism is now the religion of academia.  Bar STEM and business majors, most college graduates are nothing but amped up zombies for socialism.

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Cappy's Black Mountain Night Time Adventure

Now that the Ole Capmeister is back to 100%, I decided to try my hand at Black Mountain, just outside the Southern Command.  Started late in the afternoon which means i came down off the mountain at night, but there was a 75% moon. 

Will being doing an "Author's Road Trip" tour starting today with ports in Reno, Salem, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Denver and Rapid City.  Sitting and bivouacking to write at different points along the way.  In lieu of writing enjoy some of the pictures.

Thursday, November 07, 2019

The Government Will Raise Your Children

because the teachers need your money.

But that's OK, because most of you aren't willing to raise your children anyway.  Your career is more important.

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Older Brother Podcast #64 - The "Brandi Love" Episode

Cappy and Chad talk about:

Loud middle aged women.
How travel is the future of dating and a social life.
Cappy's favorite porn star - Brandi Love
When stereotypes are reality.
A victim of a single mom.
Save who you can.
Skinny wives save lives...and contribute to GDP!

in THIS EPISODE of The Older Brother Podcast!
Direct MP3 here.
YouTube here.

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STEM Men Millionaires, Oh Nosies!!!

When you women close the STEM gap you will close the wage gap and the wealth gap.

In the meantime, this is fair.  It is 100% fair.  YOu major in easy, stupid shit, you earn stupid money.

Your Mother Doesn't Love You. She Loves Herself of those days.

Fuck socialists.
Fuck feminism.
Fuck divorce.
Fuck broken homes.
And for fuck's sake, no, single moms, you are not brave or amazing.  You're cancer.

Some Cappy Cappites Can Work from Home

If you work for Academic Composition

The deal is simple. You post ads on social media and wait for the replies. Our business is now in the high season, so you will be getting plenty of responses.Once people respond, you will be paid $5 for each reply. All you need to do is copy and paste our ads, then wait for the results. . No, this isn't a get rich quickly scam. You won't make a fortune, but it's the easiest way to earn some side cash you'll ever find. Most of our marketers spend about 5-10 minutes per week and easily get $4-5 for each minute they spend.  
You will be required to post in an online forum corresponding to your geographical location.

We accept marketers from all over the world, yet, if you live in one of these areas, you're worth your weight in gold.

1. Vancouver

2. Near any major city in California (Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, LA and San Diego are all great)

3. Near any major city in Texas (Austin, Houston, Dallas or San Antonio)

4. The triststate are NYC (NY, PA or NJ)

5. The tristate area of DC (NOVA, MD or DC)

6. Boston

7. Atlanta

8. Miami

9. Raleigh

10. Denver

11. Minneapolis

12. Toronto

  Email Alex at and we'll get you started right away   
Aleksey Bashtavenko
Academic Composition
Owner & Principal Writer
(540) 300-1253

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Friday, November 01, 2019

Blame the Universities, Not "the Bankers" for the Student Loan Crisis

A QOTD here from the Older Brother comments section:

"It's interesting how these greedy millennials screaming for bailouts never EVER blame the schools for this problem.

It's the bankers' fault (even though they don't do college loans anymore)

It's the fault of white men

It's the fault of the government not taking action

It's the fault of patriarchy

Blah blah blah.
If they want to blame someone else then why not blame the universities, you know, the ones that are taking the money?
Sue their high school guidance counselors for encouraging them to attend college WITH NO PREDETERMINED MAJOR."

But Millennials and now Gen Z'ers have been brainwashed to be incapable of critical thinking.  So this won't happen.  Regardless, I did post this video before, but if you have not watched it, it's worth watching and ESPECIALLY sharing with any young person who's contemplating attending college.

How Love and Friendship Allows you to Retire on the Cheap

"If we can do this, and get all of society to realize conventional retirement planning is not only dead, but unnecessary, impossible, even damaging, it is my sincere belief all of the free world will be able to enjoy a leap forward on par with the invention of the automobile in terms of financial planning and retirement. It is simply a matter of taking the time to sit, think things through, introspect, and ask ourselves what is most important in life. And when you do, I’m quite confident the lion’s share of your financial problems will go away."