Sunday, November 10, 2019

You're a Fucking Idiot for Going to College Today

And yet you idiot kids keep on going.


  1. A Texan5:13 AM

    I wonder how many of those are in STEM fields? Even a four years STEM is a questionable investment these days. Especially with the federal government working against American citizens with the greencard and H1B scams because God forbid corporate employers have to pay decent wages to an actual citizen.

    The real unemployment rate:

    There is only so much Trump was able to do given bad policies stacked on top of bad policies for decades now.

  2. I bathe in Millennial tears.

  3. Don't leave out the selfish, egotistical idiot parents who more or less twist their kids' arms to FORCE them to go to college, usually so that they can either get a worthless degree that will shackle them to debt slavery for the rest of their lives, or lose all their self control and discipline, turn into party animals, and drop out after a year or two and tens of thousands of wasted dollars.

    I'm convinced that more than a few of these idiot parents know full fucking well what a destructive waste of time and money college is today, but are too full of selfish, ego-driven, butthurt pride to do the right thing and spare their kids the ordeal. Most of these selfish-idiot-asshole parents are of the mindset of "hey, I had to wade through this shit, so dammit, my kids will too!"

    Then again, given how obvious it is that their kids are most parents' lowest priority, why would it surprise us that they're hellbent on ruining their kids' lives just to boost their own egos?

  4. David Wholly6:55 AM

    I don't think you're so much an idiot for going to college, as you are not applying for degrees (namely STEM) that have actual applications in the real world.

    That, and not having a plan on how to handle your student loans or expenses. "I'll figure it out when I get there" isn't a good plan.

  5. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Perhaps because they are insufferable to have in the workplace.

    The more recently they have graduated, the more insanely socialist, PC-Nazi, and quite frankly, dumb, they are. It's not worth the time, aggravation, and legal risk to hire these inexperienced (in real life), argumentative, incompetents.

    I'd rather just work 10-12 hours a day instead of 9-10 hours and do in that extra two hours the equivalent quantity of error-free work, versus ripping my hair out fixing the parade of horribles these ear-bud wearing in the workplace millennials leave strewn about there error-filled work product.

  6. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Have you read Case Against Education?

    1. Education increases income through signaling even if you hold bunch of factors, such as prior grades, IQ and SES, constant.
    2. It's not all about signaling IQ, also conscientiousness and conformity matter
    3.You cannot signal IQ in a creative way without signaling nonconformity and raising suspicion of low conscientiousness
    4. Laws against IQ-testing in recruitment are lazily enforced and proactive employers would attract people with low Cs and proactive employees would send a bad signal. More like Catch-22 than 1 stupid law.

    Just read your book by the way and in swedish cohort of close to 2 million draftees +2 SDs of IQ decreases mental illness around 50-75 %*, including depression, personality disorders and alcoholism. The swedes also have very thorough hospital records so minimal selection bias and unsystematic error.
    There are similar results of linear protective effects of IQ from bunch of other countries with slightly differing methods tested during draft/conscript basic training/7-year-olds/11-year-olds tested for advanced school tracks..

    Only exception to the linear reduction of risk as a function of IQ is "bipolar disease without comorbidities" and IQ of 130 still translates to lower risk than average, a J-curve. Bipolar disease (psychosis/substance abuse/personality disorders etc are quite common comorbities) as a whole is negatively associated with High IQ.

    -""A med school playboy pursuing excellence""

    *Gale, 2010 (There is atleast one systematic review of the evidence and Gale might have newer studies. Tiihonen and Mortensen have done similar studies in Finland and Norway respectively)

  7. Anonymous11:04 AM

    PS. the major barely matters either.

    1. The blue-haired mentally ill black lesbians wouldn't make that much money even with STEM-degrees
    2. The (matched) "engineery" guys get approximately similar gains with almost any major, but would make on average significantly less money if they skipped college and started a business/got a job.
