Monday, December 02, 2019

Is There Anything to Look Forward to in the Future?

Yes, especially for non-leftists and sane people:


  1. Post Alley Crackpot9:16 AM

    "Is there anything to look forward to in the future?"

    Yes, the timely demise of your enemies, both declared and undeclared.

    What else is good in life? :-)

  2. Oh Cappy, love your stuff but let's get a little bit economisty about some of it...We're not living in a 'post scarcity' world. We're living in a technologically advanced economy of scale. Commodities are produced at way lower cost than in the past thanks to lots of time/smart engineers. But we will never be past econ 101. All resources are scarce, to some degree. We have for the first time in human history a combined fiat central bank system...and Von Mises' computational problem...We'll end up with gluts/shortages in time......
