Monday, December 16, 2019

"I've Got the Depressions and the AHIDAHIDSDAHIDS....Money Please!!!"

Oh, and 7 children they can't afford.

In the meantime make a middle income bachelor more money who didn't fuck and impregnate chicks because he wasn't an irresponsible fuck by doing all your Christmas shopping below:


  1. There are welfare queens in the US from our trailer parks, barrios and ghettos who think these two need to stop fucking and quit being a couple of freeloaders.

  2. They should go on YouTube as the New Mr and Mrs. Rodgers.

  3. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Now THAT'S how you enjoy the decline!

  4. Monty Python's The Meaning of Life does mention a solution (albeit an unpleasant one) to this couple's problems.

    Just saying...
