Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Social Scientists are All Frauds

The social sciences are not real.
They are a fabricated study for lazy people who don't want to put forth the effort to study real science so they may linger in academia as long as possible and not do any real work.
They will constantly lobby for government grants, if they're not too busy sucking the blood out of their college students for $500 a credit for some bullshit made up class.
Worse, when we give them credence and fund their programs, they never work at best, but usually come at a catastrophic cost.


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Economics was a social science when I got my degree in 84

  2. Anonymous3:01 PM

    economics is a social science

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Don't confuse him. He's not very bright, but he is very bitter.

    2. Anonymous1:10 AM

      Lol he's stated numerous times how he got the wrong diploma because he bought into the lies too.

      What do you people get out of coning onto another man's website and trying to trash him because he's successful and you aren't?

    3. Anonymous1:11 AM

      Lol he's stated numerous times how he got the wrong diploma because he bought into the lies too.

      What do you people get out of coming onto another man's website and trying to trash him because he's successful and you aren't?

  3. 'Reality' Doug5:23 PM

    The picture, what the hell is that? I don't understand the context. Looks like an Eddie Murphy effort.

  4. Anonymous11:58 PM

    I was heading for a criminology degree until I switched to accounting. In one of the criminology classes, were were required to create a hypothesis and do some empirical research. I pointed out that this was a flawed exercise and when the female prof asked what did I mean, I pointed out that it made no sense asking the same sub-set of questions to random students. It wasn't scientific as we did not control the (1) environment, (2)sample pool or (3) conditions. Even if you asked the same students each day at the same time, their answers will change due to any number of reasons.

    She harumphed a bit than ignored me and continued peddling her "published book" to the class. I finished the class, switched majors and never looked back.

  5. Remember, it was also the credentialed experts who made sure that the Majorie Stoneham Douglas High shooter kept going to that school. Browser county Seriff Israeel said that they had shown tremendous leadership in promoting those policies. Thanks Arne Duncan! Thanks Obama!

  6. Neuroethology, the (legitimate) study of how biology effects behavior, has produced more supportable results by accident than social science has intentionally. Of the retarded hypotheses posited by by social science, a fair portion has ignored biology and the evidence that has already been published and examined, because they don't like it. Socio-sexual hierarchies? Hard sci, studied, somewhat well understood. Non-verbal communications? Covered. Population psychology? Examined extensively. And ignored extensively, except by medical science.

    I suspect the reason so much neurophysiological data is ignored in social science is because the retards are too damn stupid to understand math and biology, even the fundamentals of statistics, which requires only a HS diploma to understand and at best, a certain knowledge of math taught in a pre-calc class.
