Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Telling Photo Gallery of Fort Collins

Interesting to see just how far society has declined.


  1. Grizzly12:32 AM

    In all fairness the homeless population in Old Town does seem to have decreased, especially since the old Safeway on Remington and Mulberry was turned into a gym.

  2. That is a rich source of inspiration for more project evil products. Selling women beauty or otherwise products with hemp should be top of the list. how about hemp for gay toddlers!!

  3. Anonymous3:36 PM

    With all due respect, Cappy, this guy is hardly someone who can give a true, unbiased opinion of Fort Collins. Yes there is way too much liberal propoganda, but insisting that all minorities are liberals and one drag show is eliminating the nuclear family is a bit of a stretch. Come on now.

  4. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Couldn't even make it halfway. Yeah, we get it. Fort Collins is a loony liberal armpit with some nice scenery, a YUGE public university, and a whole lot of bored milfy housewives. Thank you, next. Think I'll kick off my boots in Aspen instead.

  5. Un Americano1:26 AM

    First comment was, "Wow, you really hate women," by bookishjen.

  6. Anonymous4:30 PM
