Sunday, July 24, 2005

For the Canadian Readers



  1. Speaking of Canada, Paul Krugman wrote a column in the NYTimes today that said Toyota is building a plant in Ontario instead of the southern US because 1) the workforce in the Southern US proved itself (in various Toyota plants) to be too uneducated and sometimes illiterate. 2) Canada's national health care system means Toyota doesn't have to pay the bill for workers' health costs.

    What say you to this?

  2. Jtapp,

    Had not thought of that, but it certainly warrants thinking. Reminds me of how you can be trained to be so focused on one particular aspect of a policy that you do see an obvious glaring advantage to that same policy.

    Yeah, heck, makes perfect sense for Toyota to do that. Why pay for health care coverage which can at times run 20% of total compensation. Especially if corporate taxes are low, then you can effectively get corporations to be subsidized (although this is a moderately improper use of the word, but flow with me on it) by forcing the costs of national health care on personal income taxes.

    However the second reason I think it's just Paul Krugman taking a pot shot at those accursed red states for which he has disdain.

    But, really, that's something I will have to consider in the future when looking at FDI.


    Welcome back. Situated from your trip to Cyprus? Yes, I know that this is the policy of other major news organizations, and yes, I can appreciate just reporting the news, but jesus christo, you can't call a duck a duck because of political correctness? Ugh!
