Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Stupid Acronyms #1

Some people get up every morning, go to work and crunch numbers. Some go to construction sites and build houses. And some go to a burger joint to flip burgers. But while seemingly everyone else in the United States is in one way or another producing wealth and contributing to GDP, there are a group of people, predominantly leftists, who are seemingly only capable of coming up with the most stupid acronyms for some of the most stupid organizations with the most stupid causes. Drives me fricking batty.

Thus every time I come across one of these lame organizations, I shall highlight them and their inane acronym so that they may be mocked and ridiculed.

Today's stupid acronymn hails from San Bernardino where the schools insist on teaching the black students in ebonics and encourage the further butchering of the English language.



Rock on San Bernardino Public Schools! Nothing like keeping blacks down and impoverished while lying to their face!


  1. First of all, I'm for making English the official language of the U.S. Several states have already passed this legislation. It's NOT racist, it just makes things easier and cheaper as far as printing materials and doing education. (Most other countries have "Official Language" laws).

    If we did that, then these kids would be taught in English, not in Ebonics. If you want to teach them Ebonics as a foreign language, okay go ahead. It just won't help them much in an increasingly Spanish and Chinese-speaking world. But, to teach kids through ebonics is just plain nuts. I can't imagine college-educated teachers speaking an English-like but completely "different" language.

    Why do we sell our kids short instead of really challenging them?

  2. Short term political gain at the cost of long term degradation to our culture and economy.

    Besides, do you know what it would take to give those kids an education in the real world that would help them?

    Why, you'd have to say, "Quit speaking like a freaking moron. Quit wearing clothes that yell "I'm unemployable." Quit having kids out of wedlock. And quit blaming your problems on anybody else but you. And quit majoring in crap when and if you get to college and get a real degree in something like engineering or accounting."

    All of which, no matter how insanely wise and beneficial it would be to the average black youth, would be deemed racist and insensitive.

    It's a losing proposition and is a primary reason why I don't address racial issues much on this blog.

  3. Bill Cosby took on the issue and lost. You sir, are no Bill Cosby.

  4. That is for certain. Although, I still have faith that Walter Williams is charismatic enough to convince young blacks to choose the route of education and conservatism/capitalism/libertarianism over 50 Cents or Usher.

  5. 50 cent withdrew from Live 8 because he disagreed with their stance on trade vs. aid.

    it seems the guy is in favor of global capitalism.

    Check out my post on it:

  6. I am completely stunned, although in a good, kind of hopefully optimistic way. 50 cent is now my favorite modern day rapper even though his music still sucks.
