Thursday, February 23, 2006

A Little Help for Our Chinese Friends

So I'm reading an article in The Economist, like I do. And I read that the Bank of China might go public. Wanting to invest in a country that is growing and has underdeveloped financial markets, I go to the Bank of China's web site.

Now you gotta give it to them. In their attempts to modernize and emulate American/western companies, they nailed it with the "Let's Throw Up Pictures of Every Race Imaginable and Throw the White Guy in the Bankground if At All in an Attempt to Show How Politically Correct We Are."

Bravo, well done indeed.

The only problem is that usually the people you throw up on your main page are good lookin' folk, models. It almost seems that the BOC went out of their way to find the most bland, average looking folk, although they wanted an element of wierdness with the Asian guy.

But it's progress none-the-less.


  1. But, dude, you could use them for your calendar.

  2. I could use them for the calendar, but they're not economists. And they're too good looking for the calendar. Nobody would believe they're economists.


    Don't sweat it, I've barely had time to sleep with tax season and all. Did you get yourself married or someting? What's with the tux.
