Thursday, February 23, 2006

Working to Pay

This was an interesting chart I happened upon. I often wonder if women now work just to essentially pay for the increase in taxes and costs of paying other people to bring up their kids. You know, schools, day care, counseling services cause there ain't no parent at home, after school activities.

One might almost think it would be cheaper to stay at home and bring the kid up yourself!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Wulf estimates that if she were to quit her job in retain management and stay home with the children, our loss would be about $6k. That's all she is working for, after taxes and childcare. Six grand a year. I could easily make that up during my summers off from teaching, if we really needed it.

    Of course, we'd lose more than $6k, because she would need therapy suddenly being home with the kids all day every day, since she's not used to it.

    Kids are different today,
