Saturday, January 20, 2007

Iranian Super Models

No wonder their men are so pissed off and want to blow everything up.


  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    You or I could be big time fashion designers in Iran. Just steal the drapes from Grandma's house before we go.

  2. Anonymous8:40 PM

    They're bringin' sexyback cuz' Naomi Campbell don't know howta act!

    This is slightly off topic, but I changed my blog URL. Since you're one of the few people who actually read my blog, I figured I should tell you. I'm now at

  3. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Bin Laden's niece is pretty good looking. Then again, she's over here hanging out with us infidels, so that probably doesn't help them much. Those models are pretty hideous; I'm guessing that they're to the point where they've run out of pretty goats to look at, but aren't quite desperate enough to start watching C-SPAN2 for the occasional glimpse of Hillary.
