Saturday, January 20, 2007

I've Had This Debate Before

Albeit a bit more diplomatically, but my argument was that attraction is determined by the opposite sex. ie- heterosexual men and homosexual women determine whether women are attractive, just was heterosexual woman and homosexual men determine whether men are attractive.

But try to tell any woman that you don't find pregnant women attractive, even though you are a heterosexual male and ergo by definition define what is attractive in the opposite sex and you are a sexiest, evil, jerk.


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    If the big secret is ever exposed that you like women with a narrow waist, wide hips, and large breasts then they'll respond in much the same way, even if they've got all of that. Hell if I know why.

    I think a lot of women look at pregnancy as a pseudo-sacred condition, so anything other than adoration at the sight of it will be met with the sort of response that you'd get if you walked into a fundamentalist Christian church and started making fun of Jesus.

  2. Anonymous4:13 AM

    From a biological point of view, it makes little sense for a man to find a pregnant woman attractive, unless she's pregnant with his child.

    I myself typically do find pregnant women attractive, assuming I thought that particular individual woman was attractive before she got pregnant.
