Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Adult Won in France

Good to see the French are tired of having little children in office whose main pillar on their platform is "we hate America" and "let's bribe criminals not to destroy the city" and "35 hour work weeks." Yes, Royal's "let's reward rioters with cake" approach was sure to have solved the problem. Something tells me Sarkozy is going to abandon the nice motherly approach and deliver a more spanking-filled fatherly approach.

I also like the first pro-American words I've heard from France since I've been alive come out of France. Who knows, I might just actually go visit France now! I might even stop slamming on the French!...well, let's not get crazy.

Daddy's home!


  1. Check out some of the articles at LGF - riots-a-plenty in France over this result!

    Awww boo-hoo!

  2. Let's see if Sarkozy can get the "youths of indeterminate extraction" under control first, then we can consider tempering our ridicule of France. I'm betting he won't be able to reform much of anything, since the entitlement class is very entrenched there.

  3. Anonymous6:27 AM

    You know what would clean the entitlement class out right quick? A whiff of grapeshot. It worked for them last time... :)

  4. Apparently the New York Times actually knows something about French history-either that or it's making fun of M'sr. Sarkozy's height...

    "He is full of nervous energy, often rocking on his toes when not at the center of attention — a habit that sometimes makes him look taller than he is in photographs but otherwise draws attention to his stature.

    Mr. Sarkozy is a tad shorter than Napoleon was. His profile is remarkably similar to that of Louis XIV."

    Either way Tony Blair and the Russians should be concerned, and given the way both fellows dealt with internal dissension, so should the rioters.

  5. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I've heard Buenos Aires is way better than Paris, and much cheaper to boot. Why go to Europe when you can go to South America?

