Saturday, May 05, 2007

Death to the Polar Bears

The strongest arm and biggest weapon of the socialists is the public schools combined with indifferent parents. There they indoctrinate young kids whose parents originally had the kid as an SUV Baby, a thing to have, and really don't care about the kid beyond that, and therefore as long as the government keeps those kids out of their hair so they can pursue their careers thats fine. Thusly, the socialists get to have fresh, brainwashable troops to send out into the real world, and it's only through truly independent thought or an intervention on the part of a smart uncle or friend that these brainwashed dolts are shown the realities of real world economics and they turn into capitalists.

But what I find particularly disgusting is how socialists are so low, so utterly moraless they find nothing wrong with foisting their political agenda on little innocent children. I've argued before that childhood is such a sacred time in a person's life that it shouldn't be destroyed or even tarnished with some granola crunching putz (nor right wing nut job) trying to jam an anti-smoking or all-organic ideology down some poor kindergartner's throat just to get their psychological jollies that they're somehow doing their part to save the world. I would also level the same, arguably more scathing critcism against parochial schools doing their darndest to save these kids from eternal damnation while making their time here a living hell. Childhood should be void of politics and religion all together, but oh no, these crusaders who have nothing of worth to point to or have done not one damn thing to truly advance society need to feel good about themselves so they're going to go and "save" a 6 year old. Cripes.

Which is why this chart set me off. To find out that the polar bears are indeed not dying, BUT ACTUALLY THRIVING AND GROWING!!!!

Nor did I know polar bears were so far south along the Hudson Bay!


  1. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Ever hear of this book by Steve Landsburg?

    It's an example of a pretty extreme libertarian giving his daughter life lessons.

    I wonder how this fits into your expressed sentiments here. I think you'd enjoy it. I mean, I lean right, but this guy's hard core!

    You'd love it.


  2. It's spelled "parochial"...

  3. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Please cite your source for the graphic. Thank you.

  4. Just wondering what your source is for that chart?

    I found other information supporting this type of information on the USGS site.


  5. It was submitted as part of the annual chart contest. I do not know where the data came from, but I would guess the chat looks like Newsweek actually. But USGS may be the ultimate source.

  6. Cap'n Cap:

    The Inuit can attest to the overpopulation problem too, Check out this piece on the from a week or 2 ago that I posted on:

    It is amazing the cbc got this straight but hey, even a broken clock is correct twice every day!

  7. "Nor did I know polar bears were so far south along the Hudson Bay!"

    They're headed right for us!!!!

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I was interested in the origin of this...I found the article here..
