Friday, April 11, 2008

Barack Obama is a Liar. End of Story.

Been meaning to post this for a while. Barack was interviewed by the heavenly Maria Bartiromo. And while listening to his interview, I just had to post this if this lying moron stands a chance of becoming president. Here's the full interview script.

"You sir, are a liar. Liar liar, your pants....ARE ON FIRE!!!!" (you have to go to 2 minutes, 1 seconds into it)


  1. Anonymous8:13 PM

    With a choice of either Obama or Clinton, I kinda you feel sorry for leftists... kinda...

  2. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I don't watch CNBC, but I'm impressed with Bartiromo's questions.

    But yes, Obama was doing a "song and dance" number, attempting to evade and duck, but even so...

    I agree, Obama is a liar and not a very convincing one.

  3. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I know I'm not the only one who can see right through Barack and Michelle's elitist attitude. Can you say "ANTI-CHRIST"?
