Friday, April 11, 2008

Susan Casey-Lefkowitz > You

Again, I shall be short.

Here is an article where we find that there is the potential for some significant oil drilling here in the US. This additional supply, according to kindergarten-level economics, would naturally alleviate price pressures of $5 a gallon gasoline. Of course, it can't be 1947 where we celebrate this find and can assume we will develop this field and help advance America and society. Somebody has to get in the way.

Enter Ms. Lefkowitz who is the token environmentalist you knew would inevitably show up to spoil the fun.

Now, understand this has nothing to do with Ms. Lefkowitz, specifically. It could just as well be her as any other environmentalist protestor with a Masters in Puppies and Unicorns. But before you google her name or find out things about her, I want you to watch this episode, and after watching this episode see if you can guess her profile;

I'm going to guess;

1. Never worked a day in the private sector.
2. Has a worthless undergrad and probably some grad school. I would say lawyer or some kind of professor type thing in environmental science or women's studies (note the hyphenated name). 3. Is largely unemployable and is therefore part of some kind of "save the tar pits" organization.

Now, why do I bring this up?

Because, you must realize that crusaders, such as Ms. Lefkowitz, are a genuine threat to society in that they lack the intellectual honesty to put the interests of society ahead of their own selfish interests. They are more than willing to put themselves ahead of society even if that means foisting higher gas prices, lower standards of living, 9% unemployment, etc. etc. upon us, because they and their little crusades are more important than you, your children or your futures. But what's scary is we're not talking putting their financial interests ahead of other people's, we're talking psychological interests.

Understand the reason I link worthless degrees to crusaderism or continue my tirade against worthless degrees is because it is the preliminary indicator of somebody who is;

1. Too lazy to work hard at something and produce something of real value

2. Too arrogant to just accept a welfare check and must feign some kind of "profession" to make themselves feel better.

They need to "do something" (as long as it doesn't involve calculus) so their psychology does not suffer a devastating blow from reality that they are indeed worthless people. Not worthless as a person, but worthless as an economic entity. They produce nothing. The cannot support themselves. They by default rely on charitable donations or tax dollars confiscated from the taxpayer or a trust fund or a rich spouse. They offer nothing to society and are the classic definition of economic "dead weight."

Since they have no skills, no talents and nothing to offer society, they instead find crusades. And (this is the important part) are so hell-bent on "doing something" they will stop at nothing, including making others suffer, so they can get their psychological fix.

So, how close am I?

Am I in the ballpark?

Or am I on the pitcher's mound throwing deadly accurate 102 MPH fastball strikes?


  1. Law degree from Uni of Virginia.
    Most likely never worked outside of government/non-profit sectors.

  2. Nolan Ryan.

    They cannot be argued with until they work for a private corporation or business.

  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Why, just listening to your rant about her made me realize how horrible and uncaring you really are. Susan Casey-Lefkowitz's statements clearly prove that she *cares* so much more than you do. Had you taken some Womyn's Studies or critical race and gender theory classes, perhaps you would care more too, you insensitive brute. Your insensitivity clearly proves you are unqualified to comment on economic issues. Plus your mention of Ms. Casey-Lefkowitz' inability to do calculus was simply meanspirited and beneath contempt, and probably truthful as well. You know who else was insensitive but could do calculus? Hitler. That's who.

    Ridgely Frothington-Berke, III

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    What if you are wrong?

  5. Anonymous5:39 PM

    You forgot to mention that she is motivated by her concern for teh children as well.

  6. After 35 years in the computer business and a BS in IT, I am now in my second part time semester working towards a Masters of Divinity. In some ways I think it also a useless degree, but it will give me the credentials to hopefully be able to go out and do some good in the world, including giving me a pulpit where I can encourage people to look at the facts and think for themselves.

    It's a crazy plan, but it's the best one I have right now.

  7. Susan and her crusader comrades are basically an evolution of the Luddites. Maybe it's just as easy to stick them with the watermelon analogy: green on the outside, red on the inside. Either way, this country can't turn to poop fast enough for them.

    "Progressive" my ass.

  8. Keep in mind that the Sierra Club will not touch immigration or population issues. This is because their primary financial backer was an immigrant himself an said that if they ever link population and immigration issues to environmental issues, that they would never receive any more money.

    The Sierra Club is an utterly corrupt organization.

  9. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Anonymous at 1:06PM

    Sarcasm so thick you could cut it with a knife.

    Good job, Anony!

  10. If I am wrong, then I will READILY and QUICKLY not only retract this post (but leave it up for the record and proof that I was wrong), but issue an apology.

    But somebody already found out she had a law degree.

    I'm just waiting to find out what her undergrad was. Certainly not chemical engineering. Certainly not accounting.

    But I "could" be wrong.

    In the meantime, my Cappy Cappites will go and research and find out.

    And also in the meantime, I am supremely confident I'm not wrong. Not because I'm arrogant, but because I found a formula. It's nearly a 1.00 correlation coefficient;

    Lefists, liberals, protestors, activists, etc., are people with worthless skills and degrees and resort to criminalizing the rest of society or at least the productive aspects of society to shake them down for funds.

    Again, I could be wrong. But with a hyphenated name and a law degree, I doubt it.

  11. Cappy-Cap,

    I would have emailed you, but if the email address is on the page, it did not jump out at me.

    Scott Adams has an op ed in the Journal today which is the exact opposite of a crusader:

  12. Leon Battista7:14 AM

    She graduated from UV Law School in 1990. Somehow in three years she became a Senior Attorney for the Environmental Law Institute in 1993. In 2000, she became a Senior Attorney for the Natural Resource Defense Council.

    That is the best I could dig up on her in a quick search on google. You'd think on one of her pages she would brag about what she has done but there is nothing:

    We Love Birds?! I think Cappy hit a bullseye on this one.

  13. That's some pretty good info, but I would love to know what her undergrad was. Family background too, but not really necessary. Regardless, the point is made.

  14. sth_txs11:37 AM

    You know, what happened to the days when the 'rich' would do something like archeology or some other old study and mostly leave everyone else alone and amuse themselves with such hobbies?

  15. Susan Casey-Lefkowitz (not to be remotely confused with Susan Casey - hottie author and journalist) has an undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia in.......Latin American Studies (1986).

    Bingo, Cap. You could knock me over with a feather. The left is annoyingly predictable.

  16. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Ask one of these commie hypocrites if they ever went to the Persian Gulf to protest Saddam Hussein's calculated decision to create arguably the largest intentional environmental disaster. See if you can find any mention of it on the Sierra Club website.

  17. Latin, Freaking, American Studies.

    I freaking rule.

  18. What kind of institution gives degrees in Latin American Studies?

    There are four real degrees.

    Greats. (Latin, Greek, Philosophy), The degree of the old ruling class.

    Modern Greats (Philosophy, Politics, Economics). The replacement degree, held by both Blair and Clegg.

    Science (Honours). Pre-PhD for a scientist.

    Professional (Medicine, Law, Music, Engineering, Nursing, Theology. You train your doctors, nurses etc by an applied Batchelors M.B, B.Eng. LL,B. etc. A M.D. or LL.D is a higher degree, like a D.Sc).

    In second rate, generally American, poly-technical institutes you get nonsense degrees ending with the term "Studies". They are not needed, and can be culled from the curriculum.
