Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Do You See What I See?

OK, let's see if you can tell where the REAL problem lies.

Is Ms. White's problem the big bad republicans and George Bush forced this horrible housing market upon her or....(fill in the blank)"_____________________________."


  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Hmmm. Let's see. "Single Mother..." That would be strike number one. Where's the dad(s)? Is (are) he (they) paying child support? If not, why not? "...worked as a sales clerk..." While it doesn't specify where she worked, I know that my SECOND job as a "sales clerk" does not pay enough for me to support myself, let alone myself and six boys!

    If you ignore your future, don't blame, nor expect help from, the POLITICIANS!!!

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    No, having six kids is not a crime Cap. I know you hate everyone that isn't above the legal age of consent, but if you are trying to say she brought about her forclosure by being a mom, you're barking up the wrong tree.

    The kids father seems to be MIA, but that may not be anything she had control over.

    I don't think you can fault her for buying a house she couldn't afford...she was renting.

    Did you do a credit check on your landlord to make sure that the property you rent?

    Love you Cap, but either I'm not seeing what you are seeing, or you are just out of line on this one.

    Do have a request for a chart though, oh great chart master.

    CNBC just ranked the 50 states as which is best for business. I'm not an economist, but I cross indexed these with the electon results for the past couple of cycles. By my data the Red states are (suprise!) heavily overrepresented in the states that have a good and growing economy, and heavily under-represented in the states that have rotten economies. It is of course the reverse for the Blue States.

    It's not air tight, West Virginia, Mississippi, and Alabama vote Red but have rotten economics. Still the only Blue State in the top 10 was Minnesota.

    Could you please get all crunchy with these numbers, and turn out another one of your amazing statistics?


    Larry Rasczak

  3. Her lack of IQ, where should could have took that rent and bought a house and never have to worry about getting kicked out, coupled with her ignorant assumption that the govt. is somehow responsible for peoples bad decisions.

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    ...her six children out of wedlock.

  5. The correct answer was;

    "her six boys."

    And yes, I would make it a crime to bring 6 children into this world, with no forethought as to how you would support them, and on top of it get a divorce. You (the mother and father) would pay a divorce tax. It would go to pay for their kids' education in the hopes they don't become like them. There is no bigger crime than putting yourself above children; ones you have, or ones you're about to bring into this world.

  6. Anonymous6:08 PM

    "but if you are trying to say she brought about her forclosure by being a mom, you're barking up the wrong tree."

    At $160,000 per kid, I think it's pretty much indisputable that her financial difficulties are her own damn fault.

    If she spent a million dollars on a yacht instead of having that many kids, would you still say it's not her fault? Or are you just going to sit there and say that popping out a dozen kids you can't afford is something she's entitled to do without being responsible for the financial implications?

  7. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Despite the claim to 6 children, I would actually put my vote in for "...worked as a sales clerk until the bank forclosed on the home she rented..."

    So because she didn't go out and rent another place, she lost her job?

    Or is this a case of.. well I might as well quit while I'm behind so I can pass blame?

    The six kids doesn't bother me, since it appears she was able to care for them up to this point.
