Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Week of Oil Charts #5 - "The US Doesn't Have Enough Oil to Make a Difference"

B as in B

S as in S.

The US has lots of oil. Enough to fuel 65 million cars for 60 years arguably.

But we'll never know because the likes of Nancy Pelosi and her socialist brigade of democrats insist you me, poor people and rich all pay more for gas because it would ruin her pompous constituents' view of San Francisco Bay...errr...I mean "it's bad for the environment."

Never have American's handicapped themselves and retarded their progress for such stupid reasons.


  1. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I think you understate the case for drilling a bit. It's fairly well known we could have $1/gallon gas for at least 200 years.

    It wouldn't effect views very much either, ANWR is the size of North Carolina, drilling would require space smaller than most subdivisions in an area which is rather dreary to begin with.

  2. Anonymous7:13 PM

    And that's not even counting the 1-2+ trillion barrels in oil shales:


  3. Anonymous4:06 AM

    I hate to be a pessimist, but this truly could be the beginning of our end.

    Our government has been taken over by whackos who's desires are to see the end of the great country.

    Save us capt!

  4. Anonymous10:14 AM

    The ruling class in this country (that would be democrats, republicans and their friends sitting on corporate boards everywhere) has long ago stopped caring about the well being of the average citizen. It isn't a question of right versus left or capitalism versus socialism. It's a question of these corrupt politicians versus the people and their ability to regain control in the government that is supposed to be representing them.

  5. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Can you find a bigger Moron than that wacky bitch Pelosi?? Washington has the inmates running the asylum!
