Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Effects of the Convention

I am kind of disheartened that there is a "bump" in the polls at all, be it a democrat or a republican convention, just because there was a convention. What it tells me is there is an unacceptably high percent of the population that is taken in by glamor and glitz and ponies and fireworks and nothing important as issues or decisions. Of course, I shouldn't be surprised when an ugly has-been idiotic celebrity with the brain of a mosquito can garnish some significant support amongst the masses, but still it bothers me all it takes is "pretty colors" and "flashy lights" to convince people to vote one way or another.

In any case, I am happy to see a significant bump in McCain's ratings over Obama's. I'm just hoping it has more to do with Palin than the pretty sparklies of a convention.


  1. Governor Palin WAS the "pretty sparklies" of the RNC. Best thing to happen to the Party of Lincoln since The Gipper.

    "They bring a knife, Sarah Palin brings a .300 Weatherby Magnum — that’s the Alaska Way."

  2. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Capt'n, I believe the "bounce" has far more to do with Sarah Palin than the convention. I, for one, was very disgusted with the Republican Party, and with the poor showings in the primary of Fred Thompson, Mike Huckabee, Rudy Guiliani and, having lived in Wisconsin when he was governor, Tommy Thompson.

    I watched Sarah give her speech on TV, and for the first time since Ronald Reagan, I felt like someone was actually paying attention to what us conservatives know the country really needs (not just some generic comments like "changity change, change, change"). With the McCain/Palin ticket, we would have one term of McCain, and hopefully two of Palin. What could be better than that?

    How about Palin/Gingrich 2012?
