Monday, December 01, 2008

The Al Franken Translation

Ef you, my political career is more important than the country. And if the country doesn't have a functioning senate, so be it. My career is more important that you 300 million American schleps.

A true statesman would never do such a thing as it is the people he truly cares about.


  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Makes me imagine two elementary school finalists in a spelling bee.

    One gets up to spell his final word and, upon not knowing whether to say I or E, he says 'i-ee' in an attempt to cheat the judges. He loses.

    Then, for two months, he kicks sand at the winner every day for the next 2 months.

    Pathetic, really.

  2. You know that the very instant Franken is at least 1 vote ahead, his interest in counting all remaining contested ballots will magically disappear.

  3. Franken is quite the schmuck.

  4. Ya know, if Franken really valued this country, he'd act on the fact that a man whose major accomplishment in life is a few book length personal attacks really has no place in the world's greatest deliberative body to begin with.

    It would be awfully quiet in the Senate chambers if people had such integrity, and that would be a good thing.

  5. It's Sore/Loserman 2000 all over again!

  6. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Maybe Franken should follow John McCain lead and be a true American. Of course this would mean listening to the people..........nahhhhhhh forget it he'll never understand that priciple.

  7. Anonymous7:41 PM

    If Franken wins, it's time for the pitchfork and torch brigade to visit the MN secretary of state's office.

  8. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Never mind this extra inning crap, it's pathetic that the voters of MN allowed it to be this close for this clown!
