Monday, December 01, 2008

When the Captain Breeds...

This is how I will raise my children.


  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    does this mean you are considering kids? I thought you were set on not having any.

  2. The Captain will not breed. I see no reason to create a battery that will provide life support to future generations of parasites who will have nowhere near the work ethic I would insist on my child.

    Ergo, communism has won in this regard.

    Good luck producing bread for the bread lines when there aren't any little Captain's running around.

  3. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Have you read "Atlas Shrugged" yet?

  4. Naw, not yet. Have it right here next to me though (the copy you sent). Should through it in next time I head out to South Dakota.
