Friday, January 22, 2010

Vikings vs. the Saints

As you all know I believe a man who occasionally plays a game of pick up football, goes out golfing, or heck, just goes out for a walk once a year, is infinitely a better sportsman and just a better man that the millions of fat, slobbering blobs who get all excited about "their" team going to the playoffs or the World Bowl or the Super Series. The morons who actually pin their happiness and psychological health on whether a group of men, who have NOTHING to do with them, throw a ball real good. The piles of obese, genetic, fat-laden crap who drink beer, eat nachos and put the "Vikings" or the "Saints" above their wife.

To further point out how this IS a REAL problem in the US and how people in this country NEED SOMETHING BETTER TO DO, I'm not kidding, just heard it on the radio;

"The Vikings/Saints game starts at 5:40PM. We'll begin our coverage at 9AM."

My god people.

Get a freaking life.


  1. Years ago I had a roommate who was watching a football game. One team's running back made a thirty yard rush and he cheered. Later in the game, the OTHER team benefitted from a forced turnover and he cheered again.

    I asked, "Which team are you rooting for?"

    He said, "I'm rooting for good football."

    That's the attitude I like in watching sports. I like good games, regardless of who wins.

    Jerry Seinfeld once joked about how a star on your team gets cheered, but once he's traded to another team he gets booed. In other words, you're not cheering for a player - you're cheering for a shirt.

    It also annoys me when announcers spew forth useless factoids like, "Team A has beaten Team B in 12 of the last 18 meetings."

    Duh! The teams have changed quite a few players over the last 9-18 years. What relevance does the past team-on-team record have?

  2. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I thought watching the election results from Massachusetts was far more exciting than any stupid football game...

  3. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I hadn't watched any pro football this year until last weekend when I was working online and happened to turn on the TV to the Viking game at just about the end of the third quarter. I was just going to check the score and turn it back off. However...

    The fourth quarter seemed like a Favre highlight tape. He's just amazing and you can tell he's just a big kid having fun. I just love that.

  4. Anonymous2:33 PM

    NFL football is, without a doubt, the most overrated sport in this country! I'm amazed the players can find helmets big enough to fit their massive, ego inflated heads!! And the announcer's heads are even bigger!!! I can't watch this crap for more than a minute without wanting to smack whoever tuned the TV to it.

  5. Lol, finally, to speak the unspeakable!

  6. Anonymous1:55 PM

