Thursday, January 21, 2010

Well, When You're Just Repeating What the MSM and NPR Does

You're not going to find a market when it's already flooded with competitors.

How much you want to bet they get a bailout?


  1. The only reason Air America had ANY audience ratings at all is from the auto-scan function of car radios stopping briefly on their station.

    Liberals are even tired of listening to liberal propaganda.

    Why bother listening to a radio station or buying a newspaper when they only tell you what you've already known ever since you took that Social Studies class in 5th grade taught by the woman with the cropped hair-do and unshaven legs and armpits?

  2. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I bet you are correct. They will get a bailout. Although Air America is not the media darling of this administration like ABC is.. ..beside Obama already has his very own network.
