Thursday, August 26, 2010

Forget College

Why go to college when you will;

1. Waste your money on a bubble degree
2. Spend 4-5 years of your youth with no improved prospects of employment
3. Can go to a two year college and learn a practical skill that will generate more income than a 4 year degree?


  1. That is exactly why I said the stimulus spending on infrastructure would not create any jobs. Construction trades were already pretty much 100% fully employed.

    One thing I really kind of regret was not listening to my Uncle Kenny. He told me to take the steamfitters exam. And, as a stupid youth, I thought I did not want to have a dirty, hard labor, job. So, I skipped it.

    Had I have taken that exam, I would probably been able to retire comfortably at 45. Now, I am looking at 65 hopefully.

    Build or repair something, and your skills will always be in demand.

  2. ScottH1:52 PM

    My favorite thing about community college is once you have that initial degree you can take Continuing Ed classes to update your skills or add new specialized skills at low cost.

    I can get 180 hours of instruction in Solidworks for $1200 at night school; I paid $800 for a 40 hour week of instruction from my local software reseller when I bought the program. The best part is my reseller is teaching the night school classes at the college.

  3. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I think the article will be true when when the economy turns around here, but there are a lot of carpenters, electricians, HVAC technicians, drywallers, plumbers and auto mechanics unemployed - there is no building going on around here at all - except for a new McDonalds going in.
