Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why Liberal Art Majors Should Be Banned from Politics

As we now come around to finishing off the second year of Obama's and the democrat's rule over the US and the economy that never really recovered looks like it's going to tank again, a prediction I made quite some time ago is coming true;

People who 2 years ago could not be reasoned with, with data, statistics, and facts about the perils and dangers of socialism are slowly being convinced by their;

1. Personal current dire economic condition
2. Hopelessness about their personal future economic condition
3. Lack of financial and employment security

I knew, after arguing with enough leftists and liberals, that there was no changing their mind in that they were married to an ideology and did not have the intellectual fortitude and honesty to entertain facts. And the only thing that would convince them is the reality they wrought upon themselves.

Now while most of my colleagues on the left will continue to beat the worn out drum that this is all still "Bush's fault," I know that some of you are contemplating removing your lips from Barack Obama's buttocks, and will perhaps now listen to rational, realistic, fact-based adult reasoning.

I know I have no hopes of throwing up the terrabytes of economic data and keeping your attention. But perhaps you will entertain a theory I have about liberal art majors and politics.

There is a STRONG correlation, so strong it goes beyond a theory. It's a law. And I even put together a nice little presentation on it. I also am intellectually honest in this presentation and point out fallacies on the right. Perhaps this can be the starting ground by which we set aside all the brainwashing, pot-smoking, flowers and puppies and unicorn talk we received in college and now start to be adults and be intellectually honest in what we observe with our own eyes. I'm not expecting everybody to become Reaganauts, but a simple acknowledgment of the phenomenon I've observed here;

And if we agree upon this, then maybe I could entertain you with some data and statistics?


  1. Actually, we're in the FOURTH "year of Obama's and the democrat's rule over the US and the economy". Remember, it's CONGRESS that writes the checks -- the president just signs 'em.

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Interesting proposition, however

    All you need to do is the following:

    a) You ban their self-financing.

    b) You require them to take unpaid leave of absence from whatever government organizations they "work" for.

    c) You require listing the candidates' qualifications on the ballot.

    d) A grassroots organization is formed to certify qualified candidates and that certification can be used in campaign ads.

    e) You make it easier to recall incompetents from office.

  3. Kevin Lafayette7:41 AM

    A few years ago, I became convinced that the only true cure for socialism, was to make sure that people got as much as they thought they wanted.

    If you really want to save America long term, you should probably vote Obama in for 3 or 4 more terms...

    Thing is, this learning never seems to get passed on to children, so in 40 or 50 years, the whole thing will have to be repeated. Maybe it is not a true cure after all?

  4. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Nevermind liberal arts majors.

    Bann Lawyers from office.

    It's an obvious and huge conflict of interest and maker of laws are also those who profit from them.

  5. Izanpo9:47 AM

    These common sense videos are compelling. Well done, young man!
